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student doing math problems

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Our Degree Programs

Start Your Math Journey at UNCW Here

The math placement test is used to determine what math course each incoming student is ready for as they begin their journey at UNCW. You will take the math placement test as part of the online orientation process. We also offer the test on campus at the beginning of each semester and before fall and spring registration. 
Local high school students visit UNCW for annual High School Mathematics Contest

High School Math Contest

Join us for an early celebration of Pi Day on Thursday, March 13th for our annual High School Math Contest. High schools from southeastern North Carolina can send teams to compete. The top students from our two divisions - large high schools (over 850 students in grades 10 through 12) and small high schools (less than 850 students in grades 10 through 12) - go on to compete in the state math contest.

Seahawks, Check Out myUNCW!

Are you a current Seahawk? Visit myUNCW to find more information, quick links and resources for faculty, staff and students.

College & Department News

Contact Us

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Phone: (910) 962-3217
Fax: (910) 962-7107

Sartarelli Hall, Office 2007G
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
