Twenty executives from the field of information technology currently serve on the IS Advisory Board. Each executive brings unique skillsets, experiences, and expertise to help information systems programs meet their goals.
Increasing the quality of our undergraduate and graduate students by:
- Enhancing opportunities for internships between industry and IS and MS CSIS
- Periodically reviewing the current undergraduate and graduate curriculum to reflect the everchanging needs of the business community
- Encouraging presentations by business professionals in the classroom
- Providing a conduit for our students to meet industry professionals
- Increasing student participation in real-world projects with industry and faculty guidance
Increasing the value of membership for our corporate members by:
- Providing access to exceptional UNCW students for internships and employment
- Providing a conduit for the Wilmington Information Technology and Operations Management community to share best practices
- Encouraging special interest groups to meet between meetings
- Continually reviewing and disseminating the list of current job skills and technologies needed by employers
Ensuring faculty obtains practical awareness of technology environments, changes, and growth by:
- Increasing tours of local facilities
- Developing research opportunities and/or summer faculty internships within the industry
- Building a process to share industry expertise with faculty and faculty expertise with local industry
Providing a conduit for the Wilmington area Information Technology community by:
- Coordinating events that bring Wilmington IT professionals together
- Providing ways for local IT professionals to share ideas
- Increasing recruiting activities to bring more entrepreneurial IT professionals into the UNCW service area