The Center for Sales Excellence & Customer Delight forms teams with our professional sales marketing students. This team represents CSB and UNCW in various national sales competitions.
These competitions offer opportunities for students to:
hone their selling skills
gain national exposure to leading sales organizations
network with faculty and students from leading sales programs across the United States
Upcoming Competitions
List of upcoming sales competitions.
University of Toledo Sales Competition
February 20
ECU Sales Competition
February 27
National Collegiate Sales Competition
March 7
Rite-Hite Sales Competition
March 20
Hendrick Sales Competition
April 4
Selection Process is Competitive
Participation opportunities are limited, and the selection process is very competitive. If you're interested in participating in this valuable opportunity, please reach out tocsbsalescenter@uncw.eduwith the following information:
Phone Number
Sales Courses Completed
Sales Courses Currently Enrolled
Expected Graduation Date
Partnership Opportunitites
There are many opportunities for our Partners to engage with us in these competitions as coaches, role play partners, mentors and – in some cases – to accompany the team to the competitions.