Kim Cook
- Published Review of The theoretical Foundations of criminology: Place, time and contextin Theoretical Criminology.
- Vick, K.*, Cook, K. J., & Rogers, M. (2020): Lethal leverage: false confessions, false pleas, and wrongful homicide convictions in death-eligible cases, Contemporary Justice Review, DOI: 10.1080/10282580.2020.1755845
- Cook, K. J., and S. D. Westervelt. 2018. Power and Accountability: Life after Death Row in the United States. in Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology, 2nd Edition. Walter DeKeseredy and Molly Dragiewicz (eds.): 269-279.
- Westervelt, S. D., and K. J. Cook. 2018. Continuing Trauma and Aftermath for Exonerated Death Row Survivors. in: Living on Death Row, American Psychological Association, James Acker, Hans Toch, and Vincent Bonventre (Eds): 301-329.
Jake Day
- Butler, H. Daniel, Brauer, Jonathan R. and Jacob C. Day. (2020). “Advances in corrections Research: Understanding How Prisons Continue to Influence Maladjustment” in P. Lattimore, B. Huebner, and F. Taxman (Eds.), ASC Division on Corrections and Sentencing Handbook Volume 5: Moving Corrections and Sentencing Forward: Building on the Record.
- Brauer, Jonathan R., Day, Jacob C., and Hammond, Brittany M*. 2019. “Do Employers ‘Walk the Talk’ After All? An Illustration of Methods for Assessing Signals in Underpowered Designs.” Sociological Methods & Research. OnlineFirst:
- Day, Jacob C. 2018. “Climbing the Ladder or Getting Stuck: An Optimal Matching Analysis of Racial Differences in College Football Coaches’ Job-Level Career Patterns.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 53 (February): 1–15.
Kristen DeVall
- Gregory, P.D., DeVall, K.E., & Hartmann, D.J. (2019). Challenges to Uncovering Race Effects in Drug Court Evaluation Research. Sociological Imagination.
- Lilley, D., DeVall, K., & Tucker-Gail, K. (2019). Drug Courts and Arrest for Substance Possession: Was the African American Community Differentially Impacted. Crime & Delinquency, 65(3):352-374.
- DeVall, K.E., Gregory, P.D. & Hartmann, D.J. (2017). Extending Recidivism Monitoring for Drug Courts: Methods Issues and Policy Implications. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(1): 80-99.
Shane Elliott
Harvey, Daina, ed. Beer Places. "From Consumer to Producer: Pathways to Working in Craft Beer" by CS Elliott
Sarah Gaby
- Gaby, Sarah, (2021). Measuring Legacies of Collective Racial Violence. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2021;694(1):122-139. doi:10.1177/00027162211023091
- Gaby, Sarah, Ward G, Cunningham D, Lee H, Gaby S. (Dis)Continuities in Racialized Legal Violence. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2021;694(1):22-31. doi:10.1177/00027162211023354
- Gaby, Sarah, (2021). “Exculpating Injustice: Coroner Constructions of White Innocence in the Postbellum South”
- Gaby, Sarah. (2020). "Reconfiguring Organizational Commitments: Boundary Crossing in Civic Groups." VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-13.
Ethan Higgins
- Ethan M. Higgins, Justin Smith, Kristin Swartz, (2022) “We keep the nightmares in their cages”: Correctional culture, identity, and the warped badge of honor*
- Benjamin W. Fisher, Joseph McKenna, Ethan M. Higgins, (2022) “The Alignment Between Community Policing and the Work of School Resource Officers,” in Police Quarterly.
- Higgins, Ethan M., Coffey, Brandon S., Fisher, Ivan Benitez, Swartz, Kristin, (2021) School Safety or School Criminalization? The Typical day of A School Resource Officer in the United States. British Journal of Criminology
- Gerlinger, J., Viano, S., Gardella, J. H., Fisher, B. W., Curran, F. C., & Higgins, E. M. (2021). “Exclusionary School Discipline and Delinquent Outcomes: A Meta-analysis.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50, 1493–1509.
- Ethan M. Higgins, Kristin Swartz & Amanda Roberts (2021) How conflict ‘bleeds over’ for correctional staff: exploring work-family conflict through correctional subculture, Journal of Crime and Justice, DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2020.1870526
- Fisher, B.W., Higgins, E. M., Curran, C. F., Kupchik, A., Overstreet, S., Plumlee, B., & Coffey, B. (2020). Protecting the Flock or Policing the Sheep? Differences in School Resource Officers’ Perceptions of Threats by School Racial Composition. Social Problems
- Navarro, John C., Higgins, Ethan M., Swartz, Kristin (2020). Revisiting Sex Offender Registration and Notification: Does Awareness Differ Across Community Type?
- Higgins, Ethan M., & Swartz, Kristin. (2020). Pursuing a Correctional Career: The Motivations and Reasons for Staying. Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research, 1-21.
- Fisher, B. W., Dawson-Edwards, C., Higgins, E. M., & Swartz, K. (2020). Examining the link between racial disparities in school climate and school discipline. Journal of Community Psychology. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22342.
- Higgins, E. M., Fisher, B. W., & Nation, M. (2020). Seeing and responding: How school authority figures fail to respond to bullying. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology, 8(2), 159-178.
- Higgins, E. M., Overstreet, S., Coffey, B., & Fisher, B. (2019). “Bridging the Gap”: School Resource Officers as Bridge Builders in the Community Policing Era. Journal of Crime and Justice. DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2019.1704837
Christina Lanier
- Lanier, Christina and Kristen E. DeVall. 2017. "How’d You Do it? Understanding Drug Treatment Court Success Among Participants with Methamphetamine Use Disorders." Journal of Drug Issues, 47, 289-308.
- DeVall, Kristen, Christina Lanier, David J. Hartmann, Sarah H. Williamson*, and LaQuana L. Askew*. 2017. "Intensive Supervision Programs and Recidivism: How Michigan Successfully Targets High-Risk Offenders" The Prison Journal, 97, 585-608.
Mike Maume
- Greife, Matthew B. and Michael O. Maume. 2020. “Stealing Like Artists: Using Court Records to Conduct Quantitative Research on Corporate Environmental Crimes.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 36(3): 451-469.
- Greife, Matthew B. and Michael O. Maume. 2020. “Do Companies Pay the Price for Environmental Crimes? Collateral Consequences of Criminal Penalties on Corporate Offenders.” Crime, Law and Social Change 73(3):337-356.
- Maume, Michael O., Christina Lanier, & Kristen DeVall. (2018). "The effect of treatment completion on recidivism among TASC program clients." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62, 4776-4795.
Erin Michaels
Menaka Raguparan
Law, Tuulia, & Raguparan, Menaka. (2020). ‘It’sa Puzzle You Have to Do Every Night’: Performing Creative Problem Solving at Work in the Indoor Canadian Sex Industry. Work, Employment and Society, 34(3), 424-440.
Justin Smith
- Ethan M. Higgins, Justin Smith, Kristin Swartz, (2022) “We keep the nightmares in their cages”: Correctional culture, identity, and the warped badge of honor*
- Smith, J. (2021) “Racial Threat and Crime Control: Integrating Theory on Race and Extending its Application.” Critical Criminology 29,253–271.
- Carceral citizenship as strength: Formerly incarcerated activists, civic engagement and criminal justice transformation, in Critical Criminology.
- Smith, Justin & Aaron Kinzel. (forthcoming). Carceral Citizenship as Strength: Formerly Incarcerated Activists, Civic Engagement and Criminal Justice Transformation. Critical Criminology.
- Smith, Justin. (2020, Online First). The Formerly Incarcerated, Advocacy, Activism, and Community Reintegration. Contemporary Justice Review
- Smith, Justin. (2020, Online First). Racial Threat and Crime Control: Integrating Theory on Race & Extending its Application. Critical Criminology.
- Smith, Justin. (2020). Disparity in Context: Judges’ Perspectives on Disparities in a Sentencing Guideline System. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology.
- Smith, Sven, Askew, Robert, Lang, Emily & Smith, Justin. (2019). Courthouse Size and Its Impact on Judicial Performance: Insights from Weber’s Theory of Rationality. Journal of Law and Courts, 7, 2, 215-240.
- Smith, Justin & Sven Smith. (2019). Sentencing & the Iron Cage: Judges’ Experiences with Rationalization. Journal of Crime & Justice, 42, 3, 331-349.
- Smith, Justin & Carl Huber. (2018) “Colombian Criminals, Moral Whites: Reproducing & Resonating Hierarchy in US Film.” Sociological Inquiry, 88, 1, 106-130.
Jean-Anne Sutherland
Sutherland, J. & Feltey, K.M. (2017) Here’s looking at her: An intersectional analysis of women, power and feminism in film, Journal of Gender Studies, 26:6,618-631, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2016.1152956
Brock Ternes
- Ternes, Brock, (2022) IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Contribution: Fourth Chapter, "Water" Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
- Ternes, Brock, (2022) Media literacy can reduce stereotypes; mass communication research samples lack diversity
- Ternes, Brock, Joseph Erba, Piotr Bobkowski, Brock Ternes, Yuchen Liu & Tara Logan (2021) Who Are the “Masses” in Mass Communication Research? Exploring Participants’ Demographic Characteristics Between 2000 and 2014, Howard Journal of Communications, DOI: 10.1080/10646175.2021.1971123
- Ternes, Brock, (2021) “Technological Spaces in the Semi-Arid High Plains: Examining Well Ownership and Investment in Water-Saving Appliances,” published recently in Water:
Jennifer Vanderminden
- Vanderminden J, Waity JF, Robinson C. The “Eyes” Are Watching You: Social Control in an Introduction to Sociology Classroom. Humanity & Society. 2021;45(1):82-98. doi:10.1177/0160597619876300
- Vanderminden, Jennifer, Julia F. Waity, and Caroline Robinson**. 2019. "The “Eyes” Are Watching You: Social Control in an Introduction to Sociology Classroom." Humanity & Society 0(0):0160597619876300.
- Finkelhor, David, Heather Turner, Brittany Kaye Wormuth, Jennifer Vanderminden and Sherry Hamby. 2019. "Corporal Punishment: Current Rates from a National Survey." Journal of Child and Family Studies 28(7):1991-97. doi: 10.1007/s10826-019-01426-4
- Turner, Heather A., Jennifer Vanderminden, David Finkelhor and Sherry Hamby. 2019. "Child Neglect and the Broader Context of Child Victimization." Child Maltreatment 0(0):1077559518825312.
- Vanderminden, Jennifer, Sherry Hamby, Corinne David-Ferdon, Akadia Kacha-Ochana, Melissa Merrick, Thomas R. Simon, David Finkelhor and Heather Turner. 2019. "Rates of Neglect in a National Sample: Child and Family Characteristics and Psychological Impact." Child Abuse & Neglect 88:256-65. doi:
- Vanderminden, Jennifer and Jennifer J. Esala. 2018. "Beyond Symptoms: Race and Gender Predict Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis." Society and Mental Health 0(0):2156869318811435. doi: 1177/2156869318811435.
Julia Waity
- Waity, Julia, Article, Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition: The COVID-19 Pandemic and College Student Food Access: Perspectives from Students at Four North Carolina Universities, in the Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition.
- Waity, Julia, Hagedorn, R., Olfert, M., MacNell, L., Houghtaling, B., Hood, L., Savoie Roskos, M., . . . Fontenot, M. (2021). College student sleep quality and mental and physical health are associated with food insecurity in a multi-campus study. Public Health Nutrition, 24(13), 4305-4312. doi:10.1017/S1368980021001191
- Waity, Julia, Samantha Moser, and Cara Stretch. 2020. “How southeastern North Carolina is building more resilient food systems after COVID-19”. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 1-4.
- Waity, Julia, Amelia Huelskamp, and Jaime Russell. 2020. “Collaborating to Assess and Address Food Insecurity on a College Campus: A Case Study at a Mid-sized Regional University” Innovative Higher Education
- Huelskamp, Amelia, Jaime Russell, and Julia F. Waity. 2019. “Effects of Campus Food Insecurity on Obesogenic Behaviors in College Students.” Journal of American College Health
- Waity, Julia F. and Stephanie Crowe. 2019. “The Context of Authority and Sociological Knowledge: An Experiential Learning Project.” Communications in Information Literacy 13: 61-74.
- Waity, Julia F. 2018. "Geographic Variation in Barriers to the Usage of Food Assistance in Indiana" Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition
- Hossfeld, Leslie, E. Brooke Kelly and Julia Waity. 2018 Food and Poverty: Food Insecurity and Food Sovereignty among America’s Poor. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
- Waity, Julia F. 2016. “Spatial Inequality in Access to Food Assistance in Indiana.” Sociological Inquiry 86:103-126.
Joshua Williams
- Joshua H. Williams, Mica Deckard & Richard Rosenfeld (2022): Neighborhood matters: the impact of community context on the cumulative case processing of firearm offenses, Journal of Crime and Justice, DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2022.2026807
- Torres, L. C., & Williams, J. H. (2022). Tired Judges? An Examination of the Effect of Decision Fatigue in Bail Proceedings. Criminal Justice and Behavior.