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Campus Conduct Board

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a half-day long training session at the start of the fall semester and several in-service training opportunities throughout the academic calendar year.  Board members typically serve on 1-3 hearings per semester that can last, on average, from 1-4 hours per hearing.  Board members' appointments are for one academic calendar year.  Board members may reapply to serve in subsequent years.
Student Academic Honor Board hearings are comprised of a hearing panel that includes three students and two faculty members.  Campus Conduct Board hearings consist of a panel of five students and two faculty members. During the hearing, Board members are asked to objectively assess the information presented and come to a conclusion about the responsibility of the respondent (the person responding to the allegation).  If the Board decides the respondent is responsible for an allegation, the Board also decides what the outcome (or sanction) of the case should be.
Prior to participating as a board member, students will participate in a half-day long training session and be provided an opportunity to observe a hearing.  There are several in-services held throughout the academic calendar year that include a mixture of training topics, case reviews, and other announcements related to the Boards.  Outside of hearings and meetings, Board members also have the opportunity to  participate in outreach programs, including classroom presentations related to academic integrity and non-academic misconduct.

Contact Us

Office of the Dean of Students

601 S College Road
DePaolo Hall, Suite 1092
Wilmington, NC 28403-5941

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
