The name of this organization shall be the UNCW Association of Retired Faculty.
The purposes of the Association are to promote fellowship among retired faculty, to speak for and benefit their interests, and to enhance their continuing interest in and support of the University.
Section 1. Membership in the Association shall be automatic upon retirement from the UNCW faculty, and for non-academic retired personnel as may be approved by the voting members.
Section 2. Members shall be considered "active" upon payment of annual dues and shall be eligible to vote and hold office. "Inactive" members, i.e., those who do not pay annual dues, shall be ineligible to vote or hold office.
Section 3. Annual dues shall be assessed each calendar year to defray costs associated with the conduct of Association's business.
Section 1. The following officers shall be elected: President, Vice President, Secretary (who may also serve at Treasurer), and Treasurer.
Section 2. Two members elected at-large, the immediate past president, and an ex officio non-voting member appointed by the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to be that office's liaison fo the retired faculty, shall serve with the officers to constitute an Executive Committee (also referred to as the Board) to act for the Association in the interim between meetings, subject to such restrictions as may be imposed by the constitution or bylaws.
Section 3. All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a period of two years. At-Large members shall be elected in alternate years so that their terms are staggered.
Section 4. Officers may not be elected to the same position for more than four consecutive years.
Section 5. In the event a vacancy occurs among the members of the Executive Committee, the remaining members shall appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired term.
Section 1. There shall be at least two meetings per calendar year, the time and place to be selected by the Executive Committee in accordance with the bylaws.
Section 2. At least ten active members shall constitute a quorum in order to conduct regular business. A simple majority affirmative vote of the active members present shall be required for the passage of any item of regular business.
The constitution may be amended or revised by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members present at a meeting designated for that purpose. One-half of the active members, but not less than ten, shall constitute a quorum for that purpose. Copies of proposed amendments shall be given members in writing at least thirty days prior to the meeting.
The name of this organization shall be the UNCW Association of Retired Faculty.
The purposes of the Association are to promote fellowship among retired faculty, to speak for and benefit their interests, and to enhance their continuing interest in and support of the University.
Section 1. Membership is in accordance with the purposes of the Association as stated in the constitution and may be either active or inactive. Active members may vote and hold office. Inactive members may not vote or hold office.
Section 2. Membership Committee
A. The Membership Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the president. Members of this committee may not serve more than two consecutive years.
B. The Membership Committee shall consider any retired persons proposed for membership who do not satisfy the requirement of Article 3, Section 1 of the Constitution (retired UNCW faculty), and recommend appropriate action at the next scheduled meeting of the Association.
Annual dues shall be assessed on the calendar-year basis consistent with Article 3 of the Constitution.
Section 1. There shall be the following elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary (may also serve as Treasurer), and Treasurer.
Section 2. Two active members shall be elected at-large, the immediate past president, and an ex officio non-voting member appointed by the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to be that office’s liaison to the retired faculty, to serve with the elected officers on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall act for the Association in the interim between meetings subject to such as restrictions as may be imposed by the constitution or the bylaws.
Section 3. In the event a vacancy occurs among the members of the Executive Committee, the remaining members may appoint a replacement to fill the vacancy until the next scheduled meeting.
Section 4. A quorum for conducting the business of the Executive Committee shall be not less than three members of the committee. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held as needed.
Section 1. Nomination
A. A Nominating Committee consisting of a chairperson and two other active members shall be appointed by the president. Members of the Executive Committee may not serve on the Nominating Committee.
B. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be made in writing at the next scheduled meeting.
C. Nominations from the floor will be in order at the meeting designated for elections.
Section 2. Elections
A. Elections shall be by secret ballot, and only active members may vote.
B. A Counting Committee shall be appointed by the president to count ballots and announce the results.
C. A simple plurality of the votes cast will prevail. Ties between candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be resolved by run-off election.
Section 3. Term of Officers
A. Officers shall be elected for a term of two years or until their replacements have been elected.
B. Officers may not be elected to the same position for more than four consecutive years.
Section 4. Transition of Administration
A. Newly elected officers shall be installed immediately after the election at which time the gavel, charter and files are turned over to the newly installed president, who then becomes the presiding officer.
Section 1. The president shall
A. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and general meetings of the Association, and at any special meetings;
B. Serve as the Association's liaison with the UNCW administration;
C. Appoint committee chairs as needed;
D. Make interim appointments as needed with the approval of the Executive Committee;
E. Sign all checks with the treasurer;
F. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee;
G. Call a special meeting when it is necessary.
Section 2. The vice-president shall perform the duties of an absent president and perform such duties as are assigned by the president.
Section 3. The secretary shall record the minutes of all proceedings of the Executive Committee and membership meetings, and handle the correspondence of the Association.
Section 4. The treasurer shall
A. Have charge of all funds of the Association;
B. Make a semi-annual report to the membership;
C. Sign all checks with the president;
D. Sign all membership cards for active members.
Section 1. There shall be at least two meetings per calendar year. Notice of such meetings shall be given each member at lest one month prior to the meeting.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the president or the Executive Committee, or upon written request of ten percent of the active members. Notice of special meetings shall be given to members at least one week prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 3. A quorum for conducting business of a regular or special meeting of the membership shall be at least ten (10) active members.
The bylaws may be amended or revised by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members present at a meeting designated for that purpose. One-half of the active members, but not less than ten, shall constitute a quorum. Copies of proposed amendments shall be given members in writing at least one month prior to the meeting.
The UNCW Association of Retired Faculty (the Association) maintains a Membership Directory and Information Database in collaboration with the UNCW Office of the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for purposes related to the mission and objectives of the Association as set forth in its Constitution and ByLaws. It is understood that this information is treated with confidentiality to the extent allowed by the laws of the United States of America and the State of North Carolina. By courtesy of the Office of the Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Membership Directory and Information Database is maintained by that office’s representative for retired faculty affairs. It is also understood that the Membership Directory contains only the names and regular mailing addresses of those members that have not requested that their addresses be excluded from the Membership Directory. The Association’s Information Database includes all the contact and other information provided by members to the Association or generated by the Association for its own purposes.
This policy may be amended at any time subject to the Association’s Constitution and ByLaws.