The purpose of the facilities at the University of North Carolina Wilmington is to support the educational mission and strategic goals of the university. The facilities are available primarily for programs offered by and intended for the campus community. As a public institution, UNCW also seeks to reach out and be accessible to the larger community. To the extent that space is available, the university welcomes community groups and organizations to utilize limited, designated spaces in certain campus facilities for purposes compatible with the university’s mission and strategic goals.
Revised, Reformatted and Updated January 4, 2010; supersedes former Policy No.FAC 1.10, FAC 1.30, FAC 1.40, FAC 1.70 and FAC 1.80
UNC Code, Section 502
Division of Business Affairs
These procedures are intended to promote high quality experiences for all campus participants.
Space Request Process
Requests for event or meeting (referred to as events for the purposes of this document) space should be sent as early as possible. Requests for space for events requiring services such as Parking, Catering, UNCW Police, Moving Services, Housekeeping, Audio Visual, must be made no later than ten (10) business days prior to the date of the event to the appropriate Reserving Office, which may vary by venue. Service requirement requests must be completed no later than seven (7) days in advance of the event. The Reserving Office will notify all other units that need to be involved such as Parking, Catering, UNCW Police, Moving Services, Housekeeping, and Audio Visual Services.
Events that do not require services must be made no later than three (3) business days in advance by university or university sponsored events, or five (5) business days for non-university events. Please consult individual space policies for additional information.
Special Event Security processes are described at the Website listed below and will ensure security is assessed by UNCW Police prior to the event.
Special Event Security
The appropriate Reserving Office is responsible for confirming the reservation with the requestor, checking for proof of insurance and not-for-profit status if pertinent, and ensuring that the information is loaded on the central calendar.
Requests for space may be made utilizing one of the following formats:
The university has designated buildings and limited spaces available for usage, therefore requests will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis based on priorities as defined in the Facilities Use policy. Denials will be based only upon the criteria set forth in this document, Section L.
Reservation Confirmation Process
Inquiries about facility space and availability are directed to the appropriate Reserving Office listed below. Each Reserving Office has the responsibility to ensure that the requested space is suitable for the event. The information requested on the Space Reservation Form should be provided to the Reserving Office as part of the reservation. A room is not reserved until a signed confirmation,and proof of insurance if a Non-university group, is received back from the requestor. If the requestor has not received a contract within three (3) business days or has questions about reserving space, he/she should contact the appropriate Reserving Office.
Reservations for event spaces and confirmations will be made by the appropriate Reserving Office as designated below based upon the internal routing from the Reserving Offices:
University Facilities | Reserving Office | Telephone |
All classrooms for academic & non-academic use.Academic spaces not specified in this table. | Facilities Use Manager for Academic Affairs | 910-962-3011 |
Campus Life Facilities: Fisher University Union, Warwick Center,Fisher Student Center, Burney Center, Clock Tower,Campus Commons, and Grounds | Reservation and Event Services, Campus Life | 910-962-7098 |
Center for Marine Sciences | Program Assistant | 910-962-2493 |
Cultural Arts Bldg Performance Venues | Facilities Use Manager for Academic Affairs | 910-962-3011 |
Executive Development Center | Conference Services | 910-962-3474 |
Food Service Venues | Reservation & Event Services, Campus Life | 910-962-7098 |
Intercollegiate AthleticFacilities | Athletics | 910-962-3465 |
Kenan Auditorium | Operations Manager | 910-962-7527 |
Parking Lots Or Special Event Parking Arrangements | Parking and Transportation Services | 910-962-3178 |
Quad (lawn surrounded by Alderman, Hoggard and JamesHalls) | Facilities Use Manager for Academic Affairs | 910-962-3011 |
UNCW Library | Director of UNCW Library | 910-962-3270 |
UNCW Library Auditorium | Facilities Use Manager, Academic Affairs | 910-962-3011 |
Residence Halls & associated common areas, Shinn Plaza,and grounds | Director of Housing and Residence Life | 910-962-3241 |
Student Recreation Center, recreational fields & Gazebo area | Director of Campus Recreation | 910-962-7443 |
Wise Alumni House | Facilities Use Manager forAcademic Affairs | 910-962-3011 |
Event Management
Significant events are best managed by offices with the staff and experience to handle the range of challenges associated with such events. Planning successful events requires experience that most faculty and staff do not have, and event management takes time away from other responsibilities. Event Managers are UNCW staff designated by position description and based upon demonstrated capacity for successful events management and compliance with the Facilities Use Policy.
University Events & University-Related Events
Some Reserving Offices, due to the nature of their facilities, may require the services of a designated Event Manager, which may involve an additional fee.
If an event involves one or more of the following, an Event Manager must be used to handle the arrangements:
For smaller events, retaining an Event Manager may be advisable in order to provide consistent, high quality experiences for participants. All groups are encouraged to use Conference & Events Management for event planning. See information at:
Non-University Events
All non-university events must be coordinated through an approved Event Manager. If a facility does not have an Event Manager, non-university event planners should contact Conference & Events Management.
Fees are based upon venue-specific policies, numbers of participants, size and number of rooms reserved, and duration of time for the event.
Events held in university facilities may be charged:
Facility fee rates are available through Reserving Offices or Conference Services.
Event Managers for the sponsoring organization (or the initiating campus offices if there is not an Event Manager) are responsible for ensuring that facility fees and all other charges are paid. In the case of co-sponsored University-Related Events, the initiating campus office is financially responsible for ensuring that all charges are paid. At the university’s discretion, organizations may be required to demonstrate financial ability before a reservation is granted.
A late fee of 10% per 30 days overdue will be assessed.
It is the responsibility of the Event Manager (or the sponsoring department or sponsoring student group, if a designated Event Manager is not being used) to ensure that an event is held in a safe environment. Depending on the size, nature and location of the event, different safety precautions are to be followed. If the building being used has a designated Building Manager, the Event Manager/sponsoring department will work with the Building Manager to ensure all safety requirements are met. If there is no Building Manager, the Event Manager/sponsoring department must contact the University Police and/or Environmental Health and Safety for any of the safety concerns.
All university spaces have maximum occupancy limits, which cannot be exceeded. Should the occupancy limit be exceeded, Building and Event Managers are authorized to hold the start of an event until this limitation is met.
Activity associated with an event must be confined to the room(s) that have been confirmed for use. Unoccupied rooms or spaces may not be used without being specifically reserved.
Event space furnishings and equipment are set in compliance with emergency egress requirements. These arrangements may not be modified without the permission of the Event or Building Manager. If allowed to modify the arrangement, furnishings and equipment must be returned to the original set up at the end of the reservation time.
Events held in academic facilities must conclude by 10:00 pm. Events held in non-academic facilities must abide by the respective facility’s rules on time limitations. Outdoor events with amplification must comply with local sound ordinances and university policy.
Depending on the nature of the event, the Reserving Office may require the Event Manager and/or the customer to contact with the University Police and/or Environmental Health and Safety.
Link to safety related policies: Health and Safety Policies
All groups must agree to preserve the image of the university and its buildings, and agree not to use university photos, likenesses, logos, or marks in publications or online without prior written consent of the Marketing and Communications department. In addition, groups must agree not to deface or cover university property with other signage.
UNCW’s trade and service marks are an essential part of the University’s visual identity and are protected logo’s, marks, and branding – capturing these marks in any media and subsequently broadcasting, re-broadcasting, or a performance containing the use of these marks or images is expressly prohibited. The unauthorized use of UNCW’s registered marks will result in an infringement suit seeking statutory damages and penalties.
Non-university groups using university facilities will be required to provide a certificate of general liability insurance listing the university as an "additional insured," This includes all non-university groups that co-sponsor events with university entities.
Coverage will not be less than:
Bodily injury $1,000,000 each person, $2,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 property damage each occurrence
Non university group proof of insurance will be handled through Conference and Event Services or another designated reserving office. Proof of insurance must be sent to the appropriate Reserving Office with the signed contract. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the event. Any exceptions or modifications must be approved by the Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs, in consultation with the university's legal counsel.
All agreements with non-university groups shall include a clause requiring that the groups indemnify and hold harmless the university and its employees or agents from all liability, loss, damage, costs and all other claims for expenses asserted against the university and its employees or agents that may arise during or result from the approved use.
Food and refreshments are restricted to areas designated for food service and must be provided by the university contracted food service provider. If arrangements include a “drop-off” from University Dining Services, the customer is responsible for the appropriate removal of these items. Direction should be sought from the Building or Event Manager.
The Division of Business Affairs is responsible for the implementation of this policy. This office determines policy interpretations, provides oversight, considers waiver requests, periodically reviews appropriate use statements for facilities, and schedules meetings of the UNCW Space Steering Committee.
Requests to waive facility use and other fees should be directed in writing to the UNCW Space Steering Committee prior to the event being planned, and will be considered for approval only in unusual circumstances. A facility use waiver may be warranted to provide: an educational public forum; significant visibility for prospective students; professional development opportunities for faculty and/or staff; internship opportunities for students; reciprocal waivers to the University; and scholarships that exceed waived fees.
If the Space Steering Committee denies the request, the requestor may further appeal to the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs.
Reservations for special occasions must be approved and in keeping with the mission and strategic goals of the university. In order to have a wedding or other function on campus, the person of honor must be a currently enrolled student at the time the reservation is made, an alumnus, or current or retired UNCW faculty or staff member. This privilege does not extend to functions of family members or friends of those identified above. University funds cannot support costs of social functions. All costs associated with the event will be charged to the individuals reserving the spaces at the External Group rate. These functions will only be held in designated locations that are deemed appropriate at the university’s sole discretion.
Initial requests for use of exterior spaces should be made to the appropriate Reserving Office. The university permits assemblies and gatherings of university groups, university-sponsored groups on designated university property. Any scheduled use of such space shall have priority over any non-scheduled use. Use of exterior space will be in accordance with policies and procedures established by its designated Reserving Office. Please refer to the chart listed earlier on page two (2).
NOTE: Requests for any other exterior spaces not referenced in this list should be directed to Reservation and Event Services in Campus Life.
Non-University groups use of exterior space is limited to those designated areas set forth in the Freedom of Expression policy found at: Freedom of Expression by Non-University Sponsored Individuals or Groups
Because use of exterior facilities may disturb normal university operations and activities and/or cause damage to university property, the guidelines governing the use of exterior space shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
No permanent or semi-permanent structures may be constructed or placed without prior written authorization. Permission is required for any ground penetrations.
No public-address or amplifying system may be used at any time in any open space without prior written approval. Outside events with amplification must comply with the local sound ordinance, which can be found at 1. Other areas or times may be approved on a case–by-case basis.
Members of the sponsoring organization(s) are responsible for restoring the space to its original condition.
All events must be conducted in such a manner that campus pedestrians and vehicles are not unreasonably impeded and members of the university community who are not participating in the event may proceed with their normal activities. The sponsor of any event that impedes the academic mission or normal traffic patterns on campus will incur the cost of redirecting traffic and at the discretion of university officials the event may be terminated prematurely.
Plans for events must be reviewed by appropriate departments for insurance and safety requirements prior to final approval.
The natural area between College Road and Wagoner Drive from Randall Drive to Hurst Drive may not be used for events.
Notice of denial of a request for a reservation shall clearly state the reasons for denial.
A request may be denied on the following grounds:
The event is prohibited by applicable laws or regulations.
The request violates the Facilities Use Policy or other university policy.
The proposed event is prohibited or inconsistent with the classifications and uses of the designated university property.
If a non-university group has reserved the designated space for more than (5) five times per semester, in the interest of fostering a diversity of users for the limited designated space available, such a request may be denied if other users have requested the space. A group may be allowed more than (5) five times per semester provided no other user has requested the space.
The request does not support the mission or strategic goals of the university.
The space request is not fully completed and executed.
The applicant has not fulfilled the user fee, signed a facilities use agreement, obtained applicable insurance, or satisfied any other condition reasonably required by the Reserving Offices.
The space reservation form contains a falsehood or misrepresentation.
The organization or the person on whose behalf the request was made has on prior occasions damaged university owned or leased property and has not paid in full for such damage, or has other outstanding and unpaid debts to the university.
A reservation for the same time and place has been granted.
The event conflicts with university programs scheduled for the same time and place.
The event presents unreasonable health and safety dangers.
The proposed event unreasonably interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
The event presents a risk of substantial damage to university property or persons lawfully present on university property.