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Strategic Plan Background

Committee Activities

The UNCW Cabinet began implementation of the new Strategic Plan by creating and sorting the list of priorities as shown on the Update Page into three categories: "Highest Priorities for New Strategic Investments," "High Priorities for Planning and Design, Starting the First Year," and "In Progress High Priority Objectives Slated for Continued Emphasis." 

The Chancellor and members of his Cabinet finalized the Strategic Plan and presented it for endorsement by the UNCW Board of Trustees in July 2023. 

The Strategic Working Groups convened throughout the term to draft revised strategic priorities and actions, preliminary metrics and possible targets. The Steering Committee compiled these items into a final draft version that was ultimately presented as a recommendation for implementation by the Chancellor.

  • Chancellor Volety recharged a new Steering Committee, with many members of the original group being asked to continue the work.
  • The SDPSC hosted campus-wide workshops collecting stakeholder feedback on the institutional mission, vision, and core values, while gathering perceptions related to the preliminary pillars, priorities, and strategic activities. These data were aggregated and informed the creation of Strategic Working Groups of additional faculty, staff, and students geared toward a specific topic area.

The SDPSC provided incoming Chancellor Volety with a "Strengths and Opportunities" document highlighting the work of the committee in Year 1, with a recommendation to reconvene the Steering Committee for another year with a new charge and timeline. 

  • The committee reviewed survey results and compiled peer benchmark data related to strategic metrics and initiatives.
  • The committee began to formulate elements of a SWOT/SOAR analysis with a goal of presenting findings to the new chancellor in late spring or early summer.
  • The committee continued discussions on the peer benchmark study and stakeholder engagement.
  • The committee affirmed its commitment to continue the initial stages of the strategic planning process in the wake of Chancellor Sartarelli’s retirement announcement.
  • The committee engaged in professional development and discussions.
    • Workshops from strategic planning experts from the Society of College and University Planning (SCUP) on the foundations and design of integrated planning.
    • Review progress of existing strategic plan metrics.
    • Conversations related to existing strengths and opportunities for campus.
  • A draft timeline and list of activities was developed.
  • The early stages of forming a robust peer benchmark study to be conducted in fall 2021.
  • Extending the current strategic plan through the end of the 2021-22 academic year.
  • Discussions with national thought leaders related to design thinking models and strategic planning.
  • Identification of co-chairs of the committee:
    • Provost Jamie Winebrake
    • Faculty Senate President Nathan Grove
    • Staff Senate Immediate Past Chair Susan Smith
  • Identification of members of a Steering Committee comprising members from across campus constituencies representing various roles and units.