Galloway Hall Demolition to Begin Mid-May, Sidewalks and Parking Closures
Starting May 20, construction fencing will be set up around Galloway Hall, which will block access to the sidewalks on the Riegel Road side of the building. This is being done in preparation for the demolition of Galloway Hall. For your safety, please be cautious and follow the signs posted to redirect pedestrians around the back side of Galloway.
Please note that due to the high volume of construction traffic that will be routed through during the demolition, the overflow parking area beside the hitting facility on Reigel Road will be closed beginning July 1 and will reopen Aug 30.
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When the Wilmington area is experiencing colder temperatures, it is important to remind employees about state policy on the use of space heaters.
Portable space heaters are prohibited except where it is determined by the Office of Facilities (Physical Plant) that the building HVAC system cannot maintain the university-approved temperature set point range (68°F to 76°F). According to state policy, portable heaters should be used as a last resort in state-owned buildings as they could pose a threat to safety. They are not intended for use as a permanent heating appliance.
When it is impossible to maintain a suitable working environment (68°F to 76°F), a space heater can be used based on requirements outlined in the Office of State Human Resources’ Space Heater Use Program policy.
Space Heater Permit Form
Employees must submit a space heater permit form to receive authorization to use a space heating device (See Appendix B in the state Space Heater Use Program).
Medical Exceptions
Exceptions are also considered if the employee has a medical condition and requires additional heating. Proper medical documentation from a licensed practicing physician and a recommendation for supplemental heat is needed before approval of space heater use. The space heater must meet the state’s Space Heater Use Program requirements. Please note: the employee is responsible for purchasing the portable space heater.
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