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Learn More about Consultations

Level 1 Consultation - A Level 1 Fitness Consultation includes: assessing resting values, height & weight measurements, muscular endurance testing, a 3-minute step test, flexibility and mobility assessments, and goal setting with a Personal Trainer. A Level 1 Consultation will take approximately 30 minutes.

Level 2 Consultation - A Level 2 Consultation includes: assessing resting values, height & weight measurements, a 3-site skin fold body composition assessment, body circumference measurements, muscular strength testing, muscular endurance testing, a cardiorespiratory fitness assessment, flexibility and mobility assessments, and goal setting with a Personal Trainer. A Level 2 Fitness Consultation will take approximately 60 minutes.

Students Faculty/Staff/Member
Level 1 Consultation Free $20.00
Level 2 Consultation $10.00 $25.00

Fitness consultations include a variety of different assessments, and it's important to understand what they include before arriving. Fitness assessments are 100% optional, and you are welcome to pick and choose portions of your package to complete if you prefer to not complete all assessments. Below is a list of each assessment offered by seahawk fitness, what the assessment entails, and why it may be beneficial.


Description Why is it beneficial?
Resting Values Assessment of resting values includes taking height and weight measurements, heart rate, and blood pressure. You will be asked to remove your shoes, and to wear a blood pressure cuff for a brief period of time. Your trainer will calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) during this stage as well. BMI is a measurement used extensively to determine health risk and/or establish target weight levels.

Heart rate and blood pressure are key indicators of health, and measurements can provide insight to general health risk.
Muscular Endurance This assessment includes a 60 second push up test and a 60 second squat test where you will be asked to perform as many reps as possible of each exercise in 60 seconds.

You will also be asked to hold a plank position on your elbows for as long as possible.
Muscular endurance represents how long your muscles can perform a specific action. This assessment provides baseline data to reflect on for goal setting, measuring progress, or understanding your current health.
Muscular Strength This assessment includes a 3 rep max test for both bench press and leg press. If you have never done these movements before, your trainer will take time to teach you proper form. Your trainer will guide you through increasing weight until you are only able to do 3 reps of the movement at one time. Muscular strength represents how much force your muscles can provide at one time. This assessment provides baseline data to reflect on for goal setting, measuring progress, or understanding your current health.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness The cardiorespiratory fitness assessment will include one of four possible tests: The 3-minute YMCA step test, the Rockport walking test, the Bruce submaximal treadmill test, or the Arm ergometry protocol. Your trainer will discuss your current fitness experience and history with you and determine the most appropriate assessment for your skill level and goals. Cardiorespiratory fitness is an integral part of your day-to-day life. Improved cardiorespiratory fitness can lead to easier activities of daily living and allow you to do activities with more exertion without feeling as 'out of breath.'
3-Site Skinfold Your trainer will measure the width of a skinfold using a set of calipers, and calculate estimated body fat percentage based on each measurement. Skinfold assessments are another way to measure body pat percentage, which can be helpful in determining health risk.
Body Circumference Measurements In this assessment, your trainer will use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your neck, shoulders, chest, bicep, waist, hip, thigh and calf. Body circumference measurements can provide information regarding health risk and are a great way to measure muscular growth, or fat loss.
Flexibility & Mobility This assessment includes a sit & reach test and an overhead squat assessment.

During the sit & reach assessment, you will be asked to remove your shoes and reach as far as possible towards your toes. The distance reached will be measured.

The overhead squat assessment will have you hold a small wooden dowel above your head and squat down. Your trainer will then assess the positioning of your feet, ankles, knees, hips, torso, arms, and head.
These assessments can show if you have any muscular imbalances between your left and right sides, any excessively tight muscles, or any postural differences. Making corrections to these can improve daily life as they tend to cause tightness and can even cause pain over time.
  • Any valid Pat Leonard Student Recreation Center member is eligible to register for a Fitness Consultation.
  • To sign up for a consultation, you must register here and submit payment. Once you register and payment has been successfully received, a trainer will contact you via e-mail or phone within 2 business days to schedule your consultation.
  • There are no penalties if cancellations are made at least 24 hours in advance for a fitness consultation. You may contact your trainer directly to cancel. Every effort will be made to reschedule a training session according to the mutual availability of the client and trainer.
  • Failure to show up to a scheduled appointment or tardiness of 15 minutes or more will result in forfeiture of that appointment. Consultations that start late will still end at the scheduled time.
  • All fitness consultation fees must be paid in full prior to being contacted by a trainer. Trainers may not accept any direct or additional payment for their services.
  • Some clients may require medical clearance from a physician prior to starting an exercise program. You will be notified if medical clearance is needed.

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