I am curious about the procedures to apply for a GSA travel grant. What are the necessary steps?
There are two available grants:
GSA Travel Grant (up to $350 funded by the Graduate Student Association) and Graduate Student Travel Allocation Grant (up to $1,000, funded by UNCW Graduate School.)
Find out more about the GSA Travel Grant Request using this link or apply via Docusign.
Find our more about the Graduate Student Travel Allocation Grant Request using this link or apply via Docusign.
Reminder: You may apply for the Graduate Student Travel Allocation if you are presenting at a conference (currently up to $1,000). You may apply for the GSA travel award (currently up to $350) if you are or are not presenting. You may apply for and receive both grants per academic year. However, you may NOT apply for both grants for the same travel/conference/etc. Each grant must be used for a separate request.
I am looking for volunteers and possible collaboration with other GSA departments. What should I do?
You may always announce any potential volunteer or project opportunities at any of our general body meetings. Email the president of the GSA to discuss further.
The GSA emails are annoying and constantly fill up my inbox. How can I unsubscribe?
TAC cleans the list up six times a year (three times a semester) based on enrollment information. Unfortunately, opt-outs are not available.
How can I join your monthly GSA meetings online?
Each month, Marybeth Phillips will send information regarding our GSA meetings. Distance learners can email GSA Vice President for the Zoom link, but we encourage main campus students to attend in person. Main campus students contacting the GSA Vice President via email at least two hours before a scheduled meeting will be sent Zoom information if they are unable to attend a face-to-face meeting due to extenuating circumstances. Only distance learners may use online attendance to satisfy travel grant qualifications.
Be reminded, there should be at least one student from each Departmental GSA attending each monthly meeting to receive funding. If you are a main campus student, you must attend in person to be counted as present.