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CALM Self Care Routines

CALM, Self-Care Routines

Do you have a self-care routine in place? When we make time to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, we’ll be able to achieve better overall well-being. Self-care practices don’t have to be elaborate or expensive, they can be as simple as spending some time doing something you enjoy.

Check out the Calm resources below to start creating a more manageable self-care routine:

  • Let’s Unplug: Take a quick break during your workday to unplug briefly and recenter yourself for a productivity boost.
  • Radical Self-Care: Establish a nourishing practice of reflection and rest with various self-care tools that you can use whenever you need them.
  • Nurture Yourself: Take some time for yourself today. Practice some breathwork exercises, do some gentle stretches, and wrap up with a nurturing meditation.

Join a Calm App Webinar to learn how to personalize your app experience or deep dive into monthly themed topics to enhance your mental health toolkit.
