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Bridging the Gap

Exploring the Intersection of Humanities and Artificial Intelligence at UNCW

In an exciting collaboration, the UNCW College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts, alongside the Department of Philosophy and Religion and the I3S Institute, is set to host the inaugural lecture in an annual series that delves into the intriguing relationship between humanities and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Titled "Teaching and Learning with AI," this event will feature Simone Plante, the esteemed founder of HumAIn Capital, as the keynote speaker. Scheduled for Monday, March 18, from noon to 1:30 p.m., the lecture will take place in the Lumina Theater and is free and open to all.

The integration of AI into various aspects of our lives has become increasingly prevalent, touching upon fields ranging from healthcare to education. Recognizing the significance of this intersection, the UNCW initiative aims to foster a deeper understanding of the synergy between humanities and AI. Simone Plante, an industry leader with a wealth of experience, will share her insights into the evolving landscape of AI and its impact on teaching and learning.

As the founder of HumAIn Capital, Plante brings a unique perspective to the discussion. Her work revolves around the ethical and practical implications of AI, particularly in the realm of education. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into the ways AI is transforming traditional teaching methods, offering new possibilities for interactive and personalized learning experiences.

The Lumina Theater, an apt setting for this intellectually stimulating event, will provide an inclusive space for students, faculty, and the wider community to engage with these thought-provoking ideas. The free and open nature of the lecture emphasizes the organizers' commitment to making this vital conversation accessible to all, fostering a diverse and inclusive dialogue.

The annual series promises to be a platform for exploring not only the advancements in AI but also the ethical considerations and social implications associated with its integration into humanities. By bringing together experts, scholars, and the community, UNCW aspires to create an ongoing dialogue that transcends disciplinary boundaries.

In conclusion, "Teaching and Learning with AI" at UNCW signifies a significant step toward bridging the gap between humanities and technology. As society continues to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of AI, events like these serve as crucial forums for fostering understanding, collaboration, and ethical discussions. Attendees can anticipate a thought-provoking session that will not only shed light on the current state of AI in education but also inspire meaningful conversations about its future implications on our society and humanity as a whole.
