Dear Seahawk Community:
I write to you today with a heavy heart about the active attacker situation that unfolded Monday (Aug. 28) at a sister institution, UNC-Chapel Hill. The tragedy resulted in a faculty member’s death, compounding the sorrow felt by the UNC System community.
As many of you know, one of my daughters is a student at UNC-Chapel Hill. She, her friends, the thousands of other students, the faculty and staff, and alumni of Chapel Hill are hurting, heartbroken by yet another example of senseless violence on a college or university campus. I have already reached out to Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz to offer any support that UNCW may be able to provide, and I encourage those of you with connections at UNC-Chapel Hill to stand by the university as well.
#SeahawkStrong is #TarHeelStrong.
Please keep UNC-Chapel Hill in mind as the students, faculty and staff there navigate the challenging days ahead. If you are experiencing distress as a result of this situation, please remember that grief support is available to students through the University Counseling Center (910.962.3746) and for faculty and staff through the Employee Assistance Program and Ginger, an app offered in partnership with the UNC System that provides confidential, on-demand emotional and mental health support.
It is our deepest hope that UNCW, or any other campus, never experiences a situation like the incident in Chapel Hill, but we also know we must be prepared to respond quickly if a threat occurs. The UNCW Police Department works closely with campus and community partners to support the safety of our students, faculty and staff in the event of an active attacker on our campus. Please take a few moments to review important safety resources, including online training, available from UNCW Police.
Aswani K. Volety
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