The UNCW Travel Card Program provides permanent University employees who travel on behalf of the University on a recurring basis with a credit card that is billed directly to the University. Temporary University salaried employees (TE’s) are only eligible with an approved business need. Liability rests with the University and not the Cardholder.
The use of the Travel Card is a standard business practice designed to ease expense tracking and remove financial liability for individual employees. These cards are to be used for specified university business travel expenses only and must be supported with the appropriate documentation. The reconciliation of charges to a Travel Expense Report in Chrome River is required and essential for the success of the program.
Navigate The Guidelines:
The UNCW Travel Card may only be used for legitimate pre-approved travel expenses for the cardholder.
The UNCW Travel Card may be used only in official university business travel for:
Meals are not eligible for travel card transactions as they are reimbursed to the traveler as per diem after the trip's conclusion. Use of the UNCW Travel Card is prohibited for personal purchases, even if the intent is to reimburse the university. The UNCW Travel Card does not allow the cardholder to receive Cash Advances under any circumstances.
The UNCW Travel Office T-Card Administrator is responsible for:
To ensure compliance with the policies and procedures of the program, the following actions will be taken by the Travel Office when infractions are discovered during monthly audits. Depending on the infraction, employees may be subject to revocation of the T-Card, potential disciplinary action up to termination, and possible filing of criminal charges. Penalties are determined by the number of infractions incurred. Card Infractions are cumulative.
Infractions are classified as either: Minor Infractions or Critical Infractions. All T-Card infractions/violations will be reported to the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, Cardholder’s Supervisor, Dean of the respective school, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance, Internal Audit, and the Chief Procurement Officer. Should a cardholder lose card privileges, they may only receive another card with the approval of the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs. General descriptions of Infractions and action measures are listed below: