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Directory FAQs

For Students

Phone numbers and addresses are updated through SeaNet.

  1. Log onto SeaNet,
  2. Select "Personal Information"
  3. Choose "Update Address(es) and Phone(s)".

UNCW's Registrar Office can help you handle changes to your UNCW record, including your legal name, gender, or address. Please visit our Bio Demographical Changes page for more information.

Students who do not wish to have their "directory information" made public without their prior consent or who wishes to end a prior request, must submit a Request to Prevent or Allow Disclosure of Directory Information form to the Office of the Registrar. Please visit our Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act page for instructions.

For Faculty & Staff

Human Resources provide employee and faculty data. If your faculty/staff information is incorrect, please contact Human Resources.

Faculty URLS are managed in SeaNet.

To add or change a URL:

  1. In SeaNet, go to the "Personal Information" tab
  2. Select "Update E-mail Address(es)/Personal Web Page".
  3. Select the "Faculty Webpage" option in the "Type of E-mail to Insert" dropdown box.
  4. Enter your URL
  5. Press Submit to save. It will take 24 hours to appear on the on-line directory.