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UNCW Math Placement Test

Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on your intended degree program, you may need a math course that has a prerequisite requirement.

Find the math course below that your major requires. If you're not sure which math course series is needed for your major, please consult with your advisor.

  • No Prerequisite or Placement Test Required
    • MAT 101 (Quantitative Reasoning)
    • MAT 141 and/or MAT 142 (Math for Education Majors)
    • MAT 150 (Basic Precalculus)
    • MAT 160 (Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry)
    • STT 210 (Statistics in the Health Sciences)
    • STT 215 (Statistics)
  • Required Prerequisite - Passing grade in MAT 150 or equivalent course, ACT Math Score of 27 or higher, AP Calculus AB or BC Exam Score of 2 or higher, or Math Placement Test Score of 4 or higher
    • MAT 151 (Basic Calculus)
    • MAT 112 (Trigonometry)
  • Required Prerequisite - Passing grade in MAT 160 or equivalent course, ACT Math Score of 29 or higher, AP Calculus AB or BC Exam Score of 2 or higher, or Math Placement Test Score of 5
    • MAT 161 (Calculus with Analytical Geometry)

If you are a first-year student, transfer student, or current UNCW student needing to take the math placement test to register for courses, please select from the listed dates and times. Come to Sartarelli Hall, room 2014 at the selected time from the list below:

  • Friday, January 10th – 3:30pm
  • Monday, January 13th – 12:00pm
  • Tuesday, January 14th – 2:00pm

The following situations mean you do not need to take the UNCW math placement test:

  • If you want to take MAT 101, MAT 141, MAT 142, MAT 150, MAT 160, STT 210, or STT 215.
  • If you took the ACT and received a high score on the math section (your scores must be in your UNCW student record):
    • An ACT Math Score of 27 or higher will allow you to take MAT 112 or MAT 151 (but not MAT 152).
    • AN ACT Math Score of 29 or higher will allow you to take the MAT 151/152 sequence or MAT 161.
  • If you took the AP Calculus Exam and received a high score (your score must be in your UNCW student record):
    • A score of 2 on the AP Calculus AB or BC Exam will allow you to register for MAT 151 or MAT 161.
    • A score of 3 or higher on the AP Precalculus, Calculus AB, or Calculus BC Exam will give you course credit.
  • If you already have college-level credit for the required math courses for your degree program.
  • If you have passed a CLEP, math exam, or IB Math (minimum score: 5), please contact us so that we can review your information.

If you previously took math courses at other community colleges, colleges, or universities, you can find out how those college math courses transfer to UNCW by checking the Transfer Articulation.

If you have a score of 3 or higher on the AP Precalculus, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, or AP Statistics Exam, please see the UNCW Policy on Advanced Placement.

You can review UNCW's policies on Credit by Examination for more information on how academic credit is awarded by UNCW based on test scores.

You can practice with these Algebra and/or Trigonometry review problems*. Work through the problems and check your answers. The problems you miss will indicate concepts you should spend more time reviewing to prepare for the math placement test.

*Please know that these review problems are intended for print purposes only. If you need them in another format, please contact us.

  1. Log into SeaNet Secure Login for Faculty, Staff, and Students.

  2. Click the Student Services & Financial Aid tab.

  3. Click Student Records.

  4. Click Student Information.

  5. Click Submit on the current term.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for Test Score Information.

If you took your UNCW Math Placement Test after March 1, 2019, the following placement score information is applicable:

  • Accumath Composite Score = 1, 2, or 3: You are eligible to take MAT 101, MAT 141, MAT 142, MAT 150, MAT 160, STT 210, or STT 215 as needed for your degree program.
  • Accumath Composite Score = 4: You are eligible to take MAT 112, MAT 151 or any course listed for Accumath Composite Score 1, 2, or 3 as needed for your degree program.
  • Accumath Composite Score = 5: You are eligible to take MAT 161 or any course listed for Accumath Composite Score 1, 2, 3, or 4 as needed for your degree program.

If you took your UNCW Math Placement Test prior to March 1, 2019, please contact us so that we can review your student record and make recommendations for math placement.

No, your advisor will consider your placement and your degree program to help you decide which math course you should take. SeaNet will allow you to register for a lower level math course to fulfill the requirements for your degree. It is in your best interest to do your best on the math placement test to broaden your course options.

Contact Us

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Phone: (910) 962-3217
Fax: (910) 962-7107

Sartarelli Hall, Office 2007G
601 S. College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
