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Financial Support

More Financial Opportunities

The Honors College distributes information and assists with applications for several national scholarships and fellowships which provide financial support and research and travel opportunities for students.

These awards are competitive and offer large sums to students in specific fields, usually for their junior or senior years and for graduate study. Students interested in competing for these awards must begin early and set their goals high.

Following are some of the national fellowships received by UNCW honors students:

The Center for the Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CSURF) supports students as they apply for these opportunities. Email Dr. Grove for information about various opportunities.

There are many opportunities for on-campus jobs, which are available through Handshake.

The Honors Office also employs several students as front desk staff, helping maintain and organize the office. In the past, we have also placed students out to the Women’s Studies and Resource Center, the Watson College of Education and other departments as work-study positions sponsored through Honors.

Students must be in good standing to work in the Honors Office (appropriate GPA and making progress through the honors curriculum). When positions open in the Honors Office, staff will send out an email call for applicants.

Per the UNCW Financial Aid Office's Work-Study guidelines, Honors employee positions start at $8.00 per hour, with scaffolded raises for years of service and/or increased responsibility and complexity of tasks.
