Project Management
Special Project Request Walkthrough
- If you are physically changing a space or changing the use of a room (example: changing a storage room to an office) you must make a request to Space Planning and Management.
- Complete Section 1 of the special project request form and submit it to the Project Management Department in the Office of Facilities.
- Please identify the project representative in the space provided. This is the person from your organization who is familiar with scope of work for the project. They will work closely with the project manager during the scooping and estimating phase.
- Please note the requirement for approval of the request by appropriate Associate Vice Chancellor or Dean. We will not be able to move forward with the project without that approval.
- Once the special project request is received, we will assign a project manager (PM). The PM will work with your project representative to develop a complete project scope.
- The PM will provide a cost estimate and funding request letter noting any time constraints.
- After you receive the funding request, the decision to move ahead with the work resides with your organization. However, all actions are subject to cabinet level review to insure they are consistent with the priorities of the University.
- Once all approvals have been obtained and funding is in place, we will begin the renovations. Some projects may require a design by a consultant and review by the State Construction Office. These requirements will have been explained to your project representative by the PM during the scooping process. Design costs will be included in the estimate prepared by the PM.
This section helps form a clear understanding of what is requested to be built or modified, any deadlines for the work, and the amount of funding that’s been earmarked. Please fill in every field in Section I unless it’s specifically marked as optional:
- Building/Facility/Room – the name of the structure or area to be built or modified, with a room number if applicable (e.g. Alderman Room 202, or Student Rec Center Weight Room, etc).
- Project Title – a short description of what is to be done, e.g. convert office into a kitchen. Attach any sketches or layouts and/or a narrative description. The more you explain about what is to be done, the better the estimate will be.
- Date Must Be Complete By & Reason Why – this is optional, and is used whenever a project must be completed by a certain date, e.g. before students return in the fall, before grant funding ends, before general funds expire at fiscal year-end, etc. Otherwise mark this “N/A”.
- Requesting Dept/Project Representative/Ext – indicate the name and contact information for the person in your unit who will be making decisions and providing guidance concerning the work.
- Funding – if funding has not been authorized, check “No” and stop. Your request cannot be processed without a fund number, so determine your fund source before continuing.
However, if a Fund# has been authorized, check “Yes” and complete the rest of the funding questions. Unfortunately, if any of the following fields are incomplete, the form will be returned you because our systems will not accept a project without the answers to these questions:
- Fund#
- Amount available
- Date available
- Do funds expire? Date: (example: general funds expire at fiscal yearend)
- Using fund balance? (if yes, the Dean/VC will have to certify that the Chancellor has approved the use of fund balance specifically for this project – see Section III)
- Are funds otherwise restricted?
This section describes the processes taken by the project manager after Section I of the SPR form has been completed. This section should be completed manually and then carried to Facilities Administration department.
- PM – check this block if the work will be completed by Project Management as an Informal Project.
- A&C – check this block if the work will be completed by Architectural & Construction Services as a Formal Project.
- Estimator – enter the name of the person preparing the estimate.
- Estimated Total Project Cost – enter the amount of the estimate for the project.
- Date Estimate Expires – indicate when the estimate will become void and the estimate will have to be recalculated.
- Is Capital Authorization Required for Project – answer required - answer this question by checking yes or no.
- Comments - Use this large block for any comments or notes.
- Can Completion Date Be Met – evaluate the date given by the Requesting Department in Section I, "Date Must Be Complete By" & Reason Why, and indicate if this is feasible or not.
- Will this change asset info - indicate if this project will result in the purchase of new assets, the replacement of existing assets, the transfer of existing assets, or the elimination of existing assets. Assets include items such as furniture, equipment, and furnishings (e.g. water coolers, cash registers, ceiling projectors, HVAC units, lab configurations, appliances, etc.). Use the Comments block to describe what is to be purchased, modified, transferred, and/or eliminated.
Please do not email the form back to the Requesting Department/Sponsor. Once Section II is complete, take the form to Facilities Administration.
Contact The Office Of Facilities
Office of Facilities
Phone: (910) 962-3101
Fax: (910) 962-4185
Standard Business Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM