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Project Management

As the Uniform Guidance flows down through agencies, differing interpretations can arise. The order of precedence helps principal investigators and research administrators know which rules to follow.

Always abide by the terms & conditions of the award. They legally bind the sponsoring agency with the university.

If you budgeted for resources outside the university (e.g. independent contractors), work with your grant officer and the UNCW Purchasing Office to begin your procurement documents. When acquiring goods and services of $5,000 or more, the Purchasing Office assists in identifying potential vendors, establishing requirements, and managing the open bid process. They are the procurement signatory authority for the university and will help you comply with state acquisition regulations.

The university offers ways to find, recruit and hire students on your project. Human Resources can assist in determining the classification and pay scale of grant employees. They also identify benefits applicable to a specific class of employee and provide approval for hiring actions. All employment actions must be consistent with university and state personnel policies.

ePrint Reports

  1. Daily Grant & Project-to-Date
    • This report runs daily and can be used to get an up-to-date balance for any budget pool on any grant.
    • Information displayed is as of the date and time of the report.
    • Also known as WFRUDTD
  2. Month-End Grant Inception to Date
    • This report runs monthly after each month-end close process.
    • Also known as WFRUPTD

How to Access These Reports

  1. Log into ePrint using your UNCW username and password.
  2. Click Next until the desired report is listed.
  3. Click PDF icon on the left to open the report.

You must have Banner Finance access in order to access ePrint reports.

Reports Include:

  • Beginning Budget balance
  • Current Month Expenditures
  • Fiscal Year to Date Expenditures
  • Project to Date Expenditures
  • Project Encumbrances
  • Available Balance

Between the beginning and end of a project, the sponsor may require a programmatic report and/or a financial report. If so, the principal investigator is responsible for providing the programmatic report. UNCW's Grant Billing Office will complete the financial report. If you are submitting a programmatic report, please be sure to copy your grant officer.

Depending on the terms & conditions of the award, the sponsor may have the right to refuse payment if required reports have not been received.

My grant is ending, what do I need to do?

Banner Admin Pages Most Frequented By Research Administrators

Page Title Page Name Banner Page Description
Grant Maintenance FRAGRNT Maintains status, key personnel, sponsoring agency, award amount, and indirect cost code information
Grant Inception to Date FRIGITD Displays budget, activity, encumbrances and available balance for the entire project to date
Grant Transaction Detail FRIGTRD Displays all transactions posted to a grant fund
Grant Organizational Inquiry FRIORGH Displays all grants for a specific organization
Grant Personnel Inquiry FRIPSTG Displays all grants for a specified principal investigator

Changes To Your Award

A supplement is a request to the sponsor for additional funds for the research project beyond the initial amount requested. Once the supplement is received, it goes through the following workflow to make modifications to our financial accounting system.

A no cost extension is a request to the sponsor for an extension of time without requesting additional funding. Once the no cost extension is received, it goes through the following workflow to make modifications to our financial accounting system.

The budget is the financial expression of the project. Depending on the sponsor there may be a revision threshold for the university. Revision thresholds can be a percentage, dollar value, or budget line item. Please check with your grant officer for any budget revisions and also any budget restrictions.

Grant Balance by PI

Some research projects require multiple grant funds in order to keep track of expenses. The Grant Balance by PI report is a reflection of all your grant funds as they relate to a particular project.

Grant Fund Balance by PI

More often then not, a project will only have one grant fund. Therefore, Grant Fund Balance by PI should be your go to report.

If you are unable to access the grant budget balance reports, please reach out to your grant officer directly or contact the Sparc team.
