View the Student Organizations associated with Computer Science.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
ACM is a student organization who's purpose is to advance the art, science, engineering, and application of information technology.
Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE)
Upsilon Pi Epsilon, founded in 1967, is the only International Honor Society for the Computing Sciences. Over 120 institutions of higher education around the world have established UPE chapters to recognize scholarship and professionalism. UPE was officially recognized by the ACM in 1967 and the IEEE Computer Society in 1992. View information specific to UNCW's chapter.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sridhar Narayan 910.962.3695
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brittany Morago 910.962.3247
Women in Science & Engineering (WISE)
WISE is based on the premise that women are underrepresented in many scientific disciplines. This organization's purposes include:
ADVOCATE ~ for equality in the pursuit of a profession in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields by women;
CREATE ~ volunteer and career advancement opportunities on and off campus for women in STEM;
ENCOURAGE ~ women of all ages, especially pursuing a degree, to engage in and pursue a future in STEM;
PROMOTE ~ women in STEM majors/ programs at UNCW and beyond;
PROVIDE ~ a community for women in STEM to obtain educational and emotional support;
RECOGNIZE ~ historical and ongoing achievements of women in the STEM fields;
REPRESENT ~ women of all identities and backgrounds in UNCW and its STEM programs at professional meetings and excursions away from the University.