The assessment of student learning guides our curricula. It is a critical component of the powerful UNCW learning experience, both for our curriculum (University Studies) and our degree and certificate programs.
We focus on how the university and every College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts (CHSSA) program contributes to student development.
Student learning is assessed in all academic programs and in student-based programs. All programs have developed student learning outcomes aligning with the UNCW Learning Goals. These outcomes are assessed regularly according to program assessment plans.
UNCW is committed to sharing its process and evidence of student learning with all constituencies. We continually evaluate those efforts using the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment Transparency Framework.
We assess student success using a variety of means:
- Course-embedded assessments
- Program portfolios
- Nationally recognized tools such as the Collegiate Learning Assessment, ETS Major Fields Tests and the National Survey of Student Engagement
- Professional certification rates
- Graduation and retention rates
Our educational programs also use annual assessment reporting, academic program review, national and regional awards, and professional accreditation to continually improve the learning experience for all UNCW students.