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Grant Support and Proposal Development Resources

Steps for Grant Submission for External Funding
Grant submission steps
Phase Action Item Time Responsible Person(s)
Formative Notice of plan to apply for an award – share Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) with CHHS Associate Dean for Research (ADR) 3-6 months out Principal Investigator (PI) to notify ADR and Research Grant Administrator (RGA)
Formative Pre-award meeting to discuss scope and vision of the project, funding opportunities, budget development items such as effort percentages, supplies, independent contractors, student hiring, and/or travel, deadlines, and SPARC involvement. Within 30 days of declaration of plan to submit PI, any Co-Is, RGA
Writing Complete the project narrative, summary, abstract, research strategy/plan, biosketches and/or other requirements of the grant. Varies based on grant requirements Mostly PI and Co-Is, but possibly ADR, RGA, Editor(s)
Finalization Review of drafts for all documents No later than 75 days out from due date PI(s), Editor(s)
Final Few Weeks Review of final full grant documents 3 weeks before due date with expectation of 1 week turn around on editor review PI(s), Editor(s)
Final Few Weeks Final completed proposal submitted to RGA for review and submission. 2-3 weeks before grant submission due date PI and Co-Is, RGA
Final Few Weeks Grant submission sent from CHHS Grants to UNCW SPARC for review 2-3 weeks before grant submission due date CHHS RGA and SPARC

*Ideal situation. Exceptions may be made on case-by-case basis, or for short turn-around RFAs.

Contact CHHS Research & Innovation

Dr. Kristin Mapson, Interim Associate Dean for Research and Innovation

McNeill Hall 1055
