The institutional goals have been developed as standing performance and behavioral expectations that apply to all employees. They were created by UNC General Administration to cover the entire scope of an employee’s performance in his or her role.
NOTE: We recommend using your employees’ position description to help you discuss institutional goals. To access your employee’s position description, hover over the employee’s job title in the upper left-hand side of the screen (under their name). Clicking on the job title will open the position description in a separate window.
To set institutional goals:
Each employee should have three to five individual goals. Unlike institutional goals, individual goals are NOT intended to cover all aspects of an employee’s work. Instead, these goals will focus on factors such as key results, outcomes, and/or critical functions. Individual goals should align with the overall mission and goals of the University and work unit.
NOTE: There is not one specific way to write individual goals. Instead, the development of individual goals is a flexible process that allows the goals to be tailored to each employee and his or her role. As a supervisor, you are encouraged to work with your employee to discuss and determine his or her individual goals for the upcoming cycle. Making the goal development process a collaborative one will give your employee the chance to be fully invested in his or her role.
To set individual goals:
The talent development plan defines activities that promote employee growth, development, and career progression. Development goals can include training programs, committee work, conference presentations or attendance, or related activities that maintain, develop or broaden employee skills relevant to their current position and/or their career path or to their role in service to the work unit or the broader University community.
NOTE: The activities are not formally rated at the end of the review cycle but will be reviewed for progress and future planning. You can add additional development opportunities throughout the year.
To set the talent development plan: