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Program Details

Getting Started with ACOS

Since the Applied Coastal & Ocean Sciences, Ph.D. (ACOS) program spans several UNCW departments, you are sure to find a faculty member engaging in research that interests you. It is best to make initial contact with prospective faculty mentors prior to applying. 

Faculty listings

Please contact the ACOS program coordinator if you need assistance with this process.

The Applied Coastal & Ocean Sciences doctoral program is based at the Center for Marine Science (CMS), which is comprised of over 100 faculty members across several departments working in marine-related areas of:

  • aquaculture & fisheries
  • marine & coastal processes
  • drug discovery & natural products
  • marine biotechnology
  • conservation & ecosystem recovery
  • genomics
  • microbiology
  • ocean observing & sensor development
  • climate change & coastal hazards
  • modeling & prediction
  • sea level rise research & mitigation
  • remote sensing & geospatial studies
  • ecosystem function & organismal adaptation
  • water quality & pollution
  • coastal & ocean policy
  • blue economy


learn more about cms

Sample curricula
for student entering with M.S. in science and engineering

(40 credits needed to Ph.D.)
Assume quantitative methods/statistics course already taken during master’s
(revised 1/31/22)
Deficiencies in cores (CHM 575, GLY 550, BIO 564, PHY 576, MSC 595) resolved in AY1
(no credit toward Ph.D.)


  • CHM 575 Chemical Oceanography
    (if needed as deficiency) REQUIRED, 3 credit hours
  • GLY 550 Marine Geology
    (if needed as deficiency), REQUIRED, 3 credit hours
  • 500-level elective
    (could be quantitative methods/stats, or in spring), REQUIRED/ELECTIVE, 3 credit hours
  • CHM 576 Methods in Seawater Analysis
  • Field course. Elective or field-based courses such as CHM 576 Methods in Seawater Analysis, GEO 503 Advanced Field Methods, MSC 526 Cruise or Field Sampling, other courses as relevant. All students must have field work as part of their programs through dissertation research and/or field-based courses. Consult with program director if in question.

Cumulative credits: 12


  • BIO 564 Biological Oceanography
    (if needed as deficiency; could be taken in fall), REQUIRED, 3 credit hours
  • PHY 575 Physical Oceanography
    (elective) REQUIRED, 3 credit hours
  • MSC 595 Grad Seminar in Marine Science
    REQUIRED, 1 credit hour

After deficiencies, Ph.D, would start roughly here +/- a few credits – Needs 40

  • 500-level elective in quant methods/stats
    (e.g. BIO 515 Intro Biostat) REQUIRED/ELECTIVE, 3 credit hours

Reasonable # of credits taken by end of AY1: 21-24

Written comprehensive exam mid-May (if pass, move into Ph.D. track. If fail, remediate or dismiss)


  • MSC 601-00x Advanced Topics in Coastal and Ocean Science (1/2)
    REQUIRED, 2 credit hours
  • Elective discipline (assuming a 1 credit lab in some course)
    ELECTIVE, 4 credit hours
  • MSC 611 Topics in ACOS (career readiness course 1/2)
    REQUIRED, 1 credit hour
  • MBA 552 Commercialization and Venture Management
    REQUIRED, 3 credit hours

Cumulative credits: 32


  • MSC 601-00x Advanced Topics in Coastal and Ocean Science (2/2)
    REQUIRED, 2 credit hours
  • MSC 698 or other elective
    ELECTIVE, 2 credit hours
  • 600-level elective
    ELECTIVE, 3 credit hours
  • MSC 610 Research Assessment and Triage
    REQUIRED, 1 credit hour
  • MSC 611 Topics in ACOS (career readiness course 2/2)
    REQUIRED, 1 credit hour

Cumulative credits: 41


  • 600-level elective
    ELECTIVE, 3 credit hours

Cumulative credits: 44


  • MSC 699 Dissertation
    REQUIRED, 3 credit hours
  • MSC 698
    ELECTIVE, 2 credit hours

Cumulative credits: 49


  • MSC 699 Dissertation
    REQUIRED, 3 credit hours
  • MSC 698
    ELECTIVE, 2 credit hours

Cumulative credits: 54


  • MSC 699 Dissertation
    REQUIRED, 3 credit hours

Cumulative credits: 57


  • MSC 699 Dissertation
    REQUIRED, 3 credit hours

Cumulative credits: 60


  • MSC 700 GRC
    0 credit hours

Wondering how much it will cost to earn your ACOS Ph.D.? Learn more about the estimated annual cost for graduate students per academic year.  

estimated cost of attendance

If you have questions about tuition and fees for Ph.D. students, please contact the ACOS program coordinator.

Examples of Areas of Research

student areas of research
Area of Research ACOS Student Working
Dissertation Title
Faculty Mentor(s)

Integrative & Comparative Biology

Hunter Brooke Arrington

Microbial resistance in dormant crustacean embryos of Boeckella poppei

Dr. Joseph Covi

Coastal Hazards

Christopher Blanco

Assessing the long-term frequency of typhoons, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions at Adak Island, Alaska during the Holocene 

Dr. Andrea Hawkes

Sea Level Rise

Katherine Boot

Assessing the influence of sea-level rise induced salt intrusion and associated circulation change on southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) recruitment processes in Albemarle-Pamlico Sound

Dr. Qianqian Liu

Global Climate Issues

Claire Brovold

Carbon Sequestration Along a Salinity Gradient

Dr. Devon Eulie

Water Quality

Colleen Brown

Long-term impacts of CAFOs on water quality in North Carolina

Drs. Michael Mallin and Larry Cahoon

Contact the ACOS Program Coordinator
