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A picture of an assortment of historical artifacts

History, B.A.

Investigating the Past
  • 1st

    In the CHSSA for Students Going on to Graduate Programs

  • 109

    Among Public National Universities, U.S. News & World Report

  • 7

    Years Featured in the Fiske Guide to Colleges

Our alumni work as:

History teachers educate students at the middle school and high school levels. Their primary goal is to help students understand and appreciate the processes and events of history.

Librarians purchase, catalog and study media necessary to the academic research process. Their mission is to make knowledge more accessible and to build information literacy.

Archivists use their knowledge of history to assemble, catalogue, and preserve materials and artifacts for governments and public and private organizations, preserving these records of the past for posterity.

Museum curators write and create exhibits to help the public understand their past. It requires deep knowledge of the past and strong communication skills, two areas in which history majors excel.

History majors learn skills that are vital for lawyers, including how to think critically about evidence, synthesize information, develop persuasive arguments, and communicate clearly and effectively.

Administrators are responsible for process, which historians study intently. Administrators need to understand systems and communicate them to others within their organization.

History majors learn how to think critically, communicate effectively, and analyze the complexities of the world – skills central to any successful business operation.

A history major prepares students for public and civil service positions at the local, state and national levels by teaching them how to conduct research, think critically and communicate clearly.

program completion feature
program completion feature

Learn To

Build historical knowledge

Develop historical methods

Recognize the provisional nature of knowledge, and the complexity and ambiguity of history

Apply the skills it takes to decode the historical record

Create historical arguments and narratives

History, B.A. Program Overview
Professor Dr. Emmanuel Harris of World Languages and Literatures poses at Machu Picchu.

Expand Your Future with History
