As a UNCW 2+2 engineering student, we will help you systematically build a record of coursework to make you competitive for transfer admission to the NC State College of Engineering. Let's explore how the program works!
Fulfill the NC State College of Engineering minimum requirements for transfer admission. Some coursework may be met through Advanced Placement (AP) credit, but refer to the NC State AP credit evaluation website as UNCW may grant credits differently.
Take many transferable NC State General Education Program (GEP) courses. Take 1-3 relevant engineering courses via live video conference through the NC State College of Engineering Distance Education Program (note: must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in courses taken from NC State).
Complete the NC State transfer admission application.
The transfer admission requirements listed on the NC State College of Engineering's website should be considered as the authoritative source for transfer admission information. A summary of the minimum eligibility requirements in terms of transferable UNCW courses is provided here:
Upon admission to the NC State College of Engineering, a 2+2 student may be admitted to one of the following on-campus academic departments. A physical transfer to Raleigh, NC is required to complete the program. 16 engineering degree offerings are dispersed among these 12 academic units:
Upon completion of the major requirements of the respective degree program, the successful 2+2 student will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in the engineering discipline of their choice from NC State University.