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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Bruker Digital 300 MHz Digital NMR spectrometer is a 7 Tesla narrow bored (54 mm) magnet with 2nd generation digital receiver,50 W proton or 19F amplifier, 150 W broadband amplifier, and an advanced Bruker Smart Variable Temperature control unit for operation from ambient to 200 °C. The magnet is also equipped with SampleCASE™ automated sample changer and SampleMail™ system which provides random access for up to 24 samples. All data are uploaded to the ChemSpec server for you to process on your personal computer.

One probe is available:

  • Multinuclear broadband Fluorine Observe (BBFO) probe (5 mm sample diameter) with digital tuning covering the range from 15N to 31P and 19F with 1H decoupling. Variable temperature capabilities ranging from -150 °C to +150 °C.

Acknowledgement of NSF Support - Instrument Purchase "The AVANCE III 300 NMR spectrometer used to obtain results in this publication was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0821552."

Acknowledgement of CheIF Staff Assistance "The authors would like to acknowledge UNCW NMR/MS Facilities staffs for the assistance of AVANCE III 300 NMR spectrometer.”

The Spectroscopy Core Facility at CMS is equipped with both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LCMS) capabilities.


The Bruker Avance 500MHz NMR is equipped with several probes including a 5mm Z gradient BBO probe (mainly for 13C spectra), and 5mm, 1.7mm, and 1mm Z-gradient TXI probes (for 1H and 13C spectra). This instrument can generate 1D as well as other multidimensional spectra such as COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC and HSQC-TOCSY.

500 MHz User Policy

A 15 minute walk-in time is available from 9 a.m.-noon Monday to Friday and 2-4 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. You are allowed to use the spectrometer for more than 15 mins if no one is after you. Users are encouraged to process their data offline if others are waiting to acquire data. When you are done, you should update the log book.

Bruker AVANCE III 600 NMR spectrometer is a 14.1 Tesla narrow bored (54 mm) magnet with 2nd generation digital receiver, 100 W proton amplifier, 500 W broadband amplifier, a 10 Amp gradient amplifier, a VT unit and a BCU-05 cooling unit with liquid N2 dewar and heat exchanger for operation down to -100 °C. All data are uploaded to the ChemSpec server for you to process on your personal computer.

Two probes are available:

  • Inverse triple resonance (TXI) probe (5 mm sample diameter) for observation of 1H while decoupling 13C and 15N. Autolock and autoshim capabilities. Variable temperature capabilities ranging from -50 °C to +80 °C.
  • Multinuclear broadband Fluorine Observe (BBFO) probe (5 mm sample diameter) with digital tuning covering the range from 15N to 31P and 19F with 1H decoupling. Variable temperature capabilities ranging from -80 °C to +130 °C.

The instrument is located in 2311 CMS.

Acknowledgement of NSF Support - Instrument Purchase "The AVANCE III 600 NMR spectrometer used to obtain results in this publication was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0821552."

Acknowledgement of CheIF Staff Assistance "The authors would like to acknowledge UNCW NMR/MS Facilities staffs <insert name(s) here> for the assistance of VANCE III 600 NMR spectrometer.”

Users who have trained before may operate the spectrometers without supervision. New users who wish to use the NMR spectrometers must be trained with Dr. Liao. Please follow the checklist before contacting Dr. Liao for NMR training.

Users must supply their own solvents and NMR tubes. Both spectrometers are run on a first-come first-served basis with a 15 minute time limit during the walk-in time. 2D experiments are permitted on the AVIII-600 if the spectrometer is available. Measuring long 2D experiments is encouraged after 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m.


  • Email Dr. Liao and Ned to request for NMR training.
  • Read the first three chapters of Beginners Guide and AVANCE III 600 1D 1H/13C Training Guide.
  • Watch a senior group member use the spectrometer. If no one from your lab can show you, contact Dr. Liao directly.
  • Email Dr. Liao to take a written quiz. The quiz will be based on the first three chapters of Beginners Guide and AVANCE III 600 1D 1H/13C Training Guide. You will NOT be trained until you pass the quiz.
  • Email Dr. Liao to set up a practical quiz appointment to show you know how to use the instrument. The written and the practical quiz can be done at the same appointment.
  • After the practical quiz you will then have the access to the ChemSpec server to access your NMR data.