Chemistry and Biochemistry at UNCW offers exciting, student-oriented programs that award Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science (ACS Certified) and Master of Science degrees, as well as a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
A significant portion of the training takes place in our laboratories, both those associated with courses, and those involving research in pharmaceutical chemistry, marine and atmospheric science, biochemistry, organic and inorganic synthesis, analytical chemistry, computational and physical chemistry and chemical education, all of which incorporate our state-of-the-art instrumentation.
In addition to rigorous courses in all aspects of chemistry, most of our students carry out research under the direct supervision of our outstanding faculty. Much of this research results in publications in peer-reviewed journals or presentations at professional meetings, most which have student co-authors. This student-oriented focus has no doubt contributed to our success in attracting chemistry majors.
UNCW has one of the largest undergraduate and graduate chemistry programs in the country. One of the most important factors contributing to our current success is the close supervision and mentoring of students by faculty.
We encourage you to visit the department and explore our website to learn more about us.