We are a community of scholars dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and service to local and global communities. Through innovative and substantive pedagogies, we seek to promote student understanding of the linguistic and cultural subject matters it teaches.
Our department prepares students to acquire proficiency in world languages at all levels and enhance the students' effective communication, creativity, critical thinking, greater awareness of the world's peoples, and interpersonal skills, as well as their understanding of their own language.
Scholarship and research are the wellspring that sustains intellectual vitality within the university community and the larger community. Our faculty is dedicated to creating an atmosphere of intellectual exploration and exchange in order to develop students' research interests and abilities.
Our department plays a pivotal role in world language teaching and cultural expertise throughout Southeastern North Carolina. Through teaching, service, and research, our faculty serves as a bridge connecting local, regional, and international concerns.
If you are looking for a faculty member, please consult our faculty listing.
For student and course related concerns contact Diana Perez at perezd@uncw.edu. For all other concerns contact Giselle Ennis at ennisw@uncw.edu.
Chair, Dr. Derrick Miller (Office Hours: by appointment)
Associate Chair, Dr. Greta Bliss
Most faculty members do not have voicemail. Email is the best form of communication to set up an appointment for a phone or face-to-face meeting outside of their assigned office hours.
French, Dr. Christina Lord Phone: 910.962.3520
German, Dr. Olga Trokhimenko / Phone: 910.962.7379
Multi-language, Dr. Regina Felix / Phone: 910.962.2121
Spanish (100-200 level courses), Ms. Jacqueline Benitez-Galbraith / Phone: 910.962.2536
Spanish (300-400 level courses), Dr. John Stevens / Phone: 910.962.7595
Dr. Amanda Boomershine / Phone: 910.962.7922
Dr. Sergi Rivero-Navarro / Phone: 910.962.3221
Dr. Valentino Rahming / Phone: 910.962.
Dr. Ashlee Balena / Phone: 910.962.7575
Dr. Pascale Barthe / Phone: 910.962.3825
Dr. Amanda Boomershine / Phone: 910.962.7922