Debt management encompasses the entire financing life cycle from planning through issuance and distribution to ongoing compliance and maturity.
The university's debt needs are planned years in advance of project construction to allow time for the proper approvals, oversight, and planning. The University actively monitors financial market conditions to plan the appropriate type, size and timing of our capital bond issues.
Factors that may have an impact on the university's debt rating and debt capacity are also monitored and assessed. UNCW currently has an underlying credit rating of Aa3 by Moody's Investor Services. Its limited obligation bonds are rated A1.
A listing of UNCW's current debt outstanding can be found in the University's Annual Financial Report.
By providing the following disclosure, UNCW (the university) intends that market participants receive and use it for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule.
The university has retained First Tryon Advisors, a business of First Tyron Securities LLC, to serve as independent registered municipal advisor. If a proposal from a market participants will be seriously considered by the university, the document will be shared with First Tryon Advisors. The university will, in its sole discretion, decide which proposals will be seriously considered and shared with First Tryon Advisors.
Questions about debt management? Call Leslie Hudson at 910.962.2500.