Establishes guidelines for the issuance and use of university identification (ID) cards.
Effective: July 19, 1994; Effective: May 17, 1999 Supersedes: July 19, 1994
Source of Authority:
Related Links:
Responsible Office:
Auxiliary Services Office
Policy Details:
This form is used to request an initial identification (ID) card for a current university employee, a retired university employee, or a contracted services employees.
NOTE: This form is not necessary when requesting a revised ID card, an ID card to replace one that was lost or stolen, or a family member ID card.
Where to Obtain Forms.
Click here to print a blank Identification Card (ID) Request form.
Upon completion of items 1-4 and proper approval, the form is issued as follows:
For Permanent Employees. This form is issued to a new permanent employee by the employee's department head or director.
For Retired Employees. This form is issued to a retired employee by a Human Resources representative at the employee's exit meeting.
For Temporary Employees and Contracted Services Employees. This form is issued by the employee's department head/director or by the manager of the contract unit.
Where to Submit Completed Forms.
For Permanent and Retired Employees. This form should be hand carried to the University Identification Center in the Warwick Center by the employee and presented to the photographer at the time the I.D. card is made.
For Temporary Employees and Contracted Services Employees. This form should be hand carried to the University Identification Center by the employee. A photocopy of the form should be retained by the department to ensure the I.D. card is retrieved at the end of the temporary assignment.
All information requested in items 1-4 must be completed prior to obtaining the appropriate approval signatures.