Explains the university policy concerning textbooks and course pack materials.
Effective: December 3, 1998
Source of Authority:
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Responsible Office:
University Bookstore
Policy Details:
Explains the university policy concerning textbooks and course pack materials.
Applies to all university faculty members and university departments placing orders for textbooks and course materials.
This policy governs all textbooks and related course materials that students are required to purchase for courses taught at UNCW. Such materials include standard textbooks and manuals from publishing houses as well as reprinted or course pack materials produced by UNCW Printing Services or local vendors.
General Statement.
The UNCW Bookstore is a self-supporting auxiliary enterprise of the university that exists solely to serve the campus community. The tradition of the UNCW Bookstore is to provide the best, most convenient service to all UNCW students, faculty, and staff. The UNCW Bookstore plays an important role in meeting the academic mission of the university by supplying a variety of books and supplies required for course work. In addition, the bookstore offers supplies and services normally expected of a university bookstore.
As the official university bookstore, the UNCW Bookstore is committed to ensuring that all required textbooks and course pack materials are available to UNCW students in a timely, convenient manner. To accomplish this, the guidelines concerning textbooks and course pack materials in this policy have been established.
Orders for Textbooks and Course Pack Materials.
Requirement to Place All Orders with UNCW Bookstore.
Faculty members are required to place all orders with the UNCW Bookstore for textbooks and related course pack materials that students are required to purchase for courses taught at UNCW. The UNCW Bookstore will share this information with other off-campus vendors. (See Policy statement 3 below.) Orders not placed through the UNCW Bookstore hinder students utilizing additional services such as the "textbook reserve program," as well as students having athletic scholarships, grants, or financial aid.
Timely Ordering.
In order for additional services to work effectively and for all required textbooks and course materials to be available in the appropriate quantity to UNCW students at the start of classes each term, the UNCW Bookstore must have all textbook orders by the published deadlines. Timely ordering also allows the UNCW Bookstore to place orders with wholesalers early, which saves students money.
Textbooks and Course Pack Materials Available Off-Campus.
Faculty members should note that, under the North Carolina Public Records Act, the UNCW Bookstore forwards all textbook and course pack information to all local off-campus vendors that request it. Therefore, all orders for textbooks and course pack materials must be submitted to the UNCW Bookstore.
Copyright Permission.
Reprinted or course pack materials are subject to all copyright provisions and guidelines as specified in Procedure AUX 5.40.
AUX 10.10 - Textbooks and Course Materials
Effective: December 3, 1998 Procedure NEW
Orders for Textbooks and Course Pack Materials.
Methods for Placing Orders. Use either of the following two methods to place all orders for textbooks and related course pack materials:
Order via the on-line Textbook Request form, which is available at the UNCW Bookstore web page:
Complete a standard Textbook Requisition form, which is available through the UNCW Bookstore textbook department
Deadlines. Please ensure that orders are placed by the appropriate deadlines. The UNCW Bookstore will advise department chairs, faculty members, and appropriate staff of the exact due dates for orders each year; however, approximate due dates are as follows:
Summer Sessions .... March 15
Fall semester ..... April 3
Spring semester .... October 5
Obtaining Copyright Permission.
For instructions and guidelines concerning the reproduction of copyrighted materials, refer to Procedure AUX 5.40.
Please allow sufficient time to obtain the appropriate copyright permissions, as requests for permission to copy should be made four to six weeks before copies are needed.