Outlines university policy and procedures for requesting maintenance, service, or repair for university equipment.
Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Updated October 1, 2008; Updated January 1, 2008; Updated July 1, 2006; Updated February 15, 1991; Effective April 1, 1987 supersedes former Administration Policy No PUR 4.10, “Equipment Maintenance and Repair”
Source of Authority:
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles & University Business Practices
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Responsible Office:
Purchasing Services
Policy Details:
Outlines university policy and procedures for requesting maintenance, service, or repair for university equipment.
Applies to all university departments.
This procedure does not cover the following:
Equipment, such as air conditioning systems, attached to buildings or considered an integral part of the building or building operating system. (See UNCW Policy PHY 1.20 Corrective Maintenance, Repairs, and Work Requests for policies and procedures concerning maintenance and repair to this type of equipment.)
Other equipment normally serviced by the Physical Plant. (See UNCW Policy PHY 1.20 Corrective Maintenance, Repairs, and Work Requests for policies and procedures concerning maintenance and repair to this type of equipment.)
When procured through the Purchasing System, Purchasing Services is responsible for coordinating departmental requests for the following:
Equipment maintenance, service, or repair (except those repairs performed by Physical Plant or as correctly applied to a purchasing card).
Warranties and maintenance/service agreements.
Repairs to Computer Equipment
To request repairs or service for any computer equipment, contact Hardware Support in Computing and Information Systems (regardless of whether warranties or maintenance contracts apply). Departments should not call the vendor.
Hardware Support and Purchasing Services will coordinate the repair with the vendor and will provide the department with necessary instructions.
Repair of Other Movable Equipment Where Warranties and Service Contracts Do Not Apply.
If the movable equipment is not covered by a warranty or maintenance contract, the department may elect to have the repairs performed by an outside vendor/manufacturer or by the Physical Plant Department.
If the department elects to have the repairs performed by an outside vendor or manufacturer, the department should prepare a requisition according to instructions listed in UNCW Policy 05.152 Procurement of Equipment, Supplies, and Services and enter the requisition electronically. The following information MUST be indicated on the requisition:
Name, make, model, and serial number of each item to be repaired
Nature of the repair
An estimated amount for the repair must be entered. Any additional comments may be conveyed in text.
If the department has an emergency during normal working hours where a repair must be made immediately by an outside vendor or manufacturer, then the department must prepare a requisition and obtain the proper signatures. The requisition should be submitted electronically. The requisition must contain the same information as listed in item a. above. See UNCW Policy 05.153 Emergency Purchases for further information on emergency purchases.
If the department elects to have the repairs performed by Physical Plant, the department should follow the instructions in UNCW Policy PHY 1.20 Corrective Maintenance, Repairs, and Work Requests.
Repair of Equipment Covered by Service Contract
Requests for service are to be directed by telephone or email to the Purchasing Services Agent, who will coordinate the repair with the vendor. A Material Return Form will be completed by the Agent and forwarded to the Warehouse to initiate the equipment pick up.
Repair of Equipment Within Warranty Period
Requests for service are to be directed by telephone or email to the Purchasing Services Agent. The department should provide the following information:
Name of the vendor from which the item was purchased.
Purchase order number.
Date received.
Name, make, model, and serial number of each item to be repaired.
Purchasing Services will contact the vendor/ complete the material return form, make arrangements for the repair, and advise the department and the Warehouse of necessary instructions.
Requests for Repair/Maintenance/Service on Holidays and Weekends
If an emergency arises that requires service or repair of university equipment during a holiday break or on a weekend, the department may contact a service representative prior to notifying Purchasing Services. The Purchasing Services Director should be notified immediately upon return to campus. Purchasing Services will advise the department of any further instructions.