To define procedures and policies regarding the initiation of a Special Project Request.
Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
Updated October 1, 2003; Updated March 1, 2016; Effective December 18, 1995; supersedes former Administration Policy No. VCB1.20, “UNCW Special Projects”
UNC Code, Section 502
Business Affairs
To define procedures and policies regarding the initiation of a Special Project Request.
Applies to all university departments.
Special Projects: Special Projects are always equal to or less than
$500,000, and include:
New construction and renovations
Repairs and major maintenance to existing facilities
Major landscape improvements, including improvements to outside athletic and recreational facilities
One-time major equipment purchases
Utility modifications.
NOTE: Maintenance and repairs of existing facilities or equipment necessary to permit continued use of their intended purpose are not considered to be a Special Project and should be processed as a work request (See 05.121). Project Management will provide assistance in making this determination.
Project Representative: The person designated by the Requesting Department as its agent in Section I of the Special Project Request form. The Project Representative should have spending authority regarding the project and will make decisions and communicate departmental preferences and expectations to Project Manager as work proceeds.
Project Manager: The person assigned by the Office of Facilities to manage the design and/or construction of the project on a daily basis. The Department of Project Management will assign a Project Manager to each Special Project.
Fund Balance: The residual cash balance in a fund from prior years. IMPORTANT: Use of Fund Balance requires express approval of the Chancellor to use a specific Fund Balance to pay for the precisely named modifications. Blanket authority from the Chancellor to use Fund Balance is not sufficient for Special Projects.
Responsibility for Special Projects.
All Special Projects for the university are under the direction of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs. Accordingly, the VCBA has delegated the authority for all aspects of Special Projects to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Facilities, who depends on the Office of Project Management for oversight of all Special Projects. The AVCBA Facilities is expected to use his judgment to inform the VCBA of issues which warrant being elevated to his attention.
Each Special Project will be appointed a Project Manager who will plan and execute the project’s specifications and oversee progress as it pertains to contract provisions. All communications with contractors will be via Project Management, and the Project Manager will advise the departmental Project Representative of the proposed schedule and any special arrangements.
Absolutely NO contractors or design consultants of any type (e.g. architects, engineers, surveyors, physical testing agencies) may be employed without written permission from the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Facilities.
Request and Approval of Capital Improvement Projects.
All modifications falling within the definition of a Special Project must be requested and approved as outlined in this procedure. Alterations to existing facilities and land or construction of new facilities cannot be initiated without coordination through the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Facilities.
Change Orders.
Once a project has been awarded to a contractor, all changes to the original scope of work will be requested by the departmental Project Representative in writing to Project Manager.
Final Inspection.
On larger projects, the departmental Project Representative will be invited to the "final inspection", which will be performed by Project Management. Any final issues, questions, or concerns can be addressed at this time.
Department Requests Cost Estimate.
The requesting department completes all of the fields in Section I of the Special Project Request form (VCB 1.20). Incomplete forms cannot be processed.
Either the signing Department Head and/or the signing Dean/AVC must have budget authority over the fund number provided in Section I.
Signatures should be executed electronically, and the form should be submitted as an attachment via email to the Department of Project Management in the Office of Facilities. The submission email address is indicated on the form.
NOTE: Manual submission could substantially delay the response.
Project Management Provides Estimate.
The Department of Project Management appoints a Project Manager to work with the departmental Project Representative to develop a complete project scope and estimate the cost of the work requested in Section I.
The Project Manager completes Section II of the Special Project Request form (VCB 1.20) and returns it to the requesting department. The VCB 1.20 will be accompanied by a Cost Estimate and Funding Request Letter.
The Project Manager’s name appears in the “Estimator” box.
Department Authorizes Work.
If the requesting department agrees to pay the estimate in Section II, it completes Section III of the Special Project Request form (VCB 1.20). This constitutes authorization for the Project Manager to proceed with the work and to charge it against the fund number provided in Section I.
The signature of the Department Head confirms and certifies that:
The Project Manager is authorized to proceed according to the terms of the modifications as per final correspondence between the Project Manager and the department.
The Department Head has budget authority over the fund number provided in Section I or the signing Dean/AVC has budget authority over the fund number provided in Section I.
The signature of the Dean/AVC confirms and certifies that:
The Project Manager is authorized to proceed according to the terms of the modifications as per final correspondence between the Project Manager and the department.
The Dean/AVC has budget authority over the fund number provided in Section I or the signing Department Head has budget authority over the fund number provided in Section I.
The Dean/AVC has the authority to approve modifications for the property indicated in Section I.
The signature of the Vice Chancellor confirms and certifies that the Chancellor has given express approval to use a specific Fund Balance to pay for the precisely named modifications. This signature is required only when Fund Balance is to be used.
All actions are subject to Cabinet level review to insure they are consistent with the priorities of the University. Such review may be requested at the discretion of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Facilities.
Construction Process Begins.
Once all approvals have been obtained and funding is in place, the project will start.
Some projects may require a design by a consultant and review by the State Construction Office (the Project Manager will have explained these requirements to the Project Representative during the scoping process). This may require extra time.
For larger projects, up to five weeks or more may be needed for specification's design, advertisement, and award of the project to a contractor after final approvals and authorizations. This is in addition to approval by the State Construction Office.
The Project Manager will continue to work with the departmental Project Representative throughout the construction process.
Funding must be available in Banner in the fund number provided in Section I before any construction can begin.
Costs incurred by the project will be charged against the fund number provided in Section I as soon as feasible after they occur, and continuing throughout the project.
Project is Closed.
Upon completion of the work, the Facilities Project Manager will sign Section V of the Special Project Request form, indicating acceptance of work performed.
The Director of Facilities Administration will sign Section V of the Special Project Request form, indicating that all pertinent systems have been reconciled.
The Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Facilities will sign Section V of the Special Project Request form, indicating that the project is closed.