To provide guidelines for digging and excavation operations on university property.
Applies to all university departments, contractors, and other persons who are responsible for digging or excavating on university-owned property.
Applies to ALL penetrations of soil on university property including those that are accomplished with shovels, backhoes, trenchers, axes, posthole diggers, tent stakes, or ground rods.
In accordance with North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSHA) standards, any individual who has a need to dig or excavate on university property must receive written permission from the Physical Plant Director (or designee) before commencing digging or excavation operations. The person(s) conducting the digging/excavation operations are responsible for ensuring all applicable regulations are followed.
Any persons or organizations digging without proper authorization will be responsible for repair costs to damaged underground utilities. This also includes situations where proper authorization was obtained, yet properly marked utilities were still damaged.
Unintentional damage to underground facilities during excavation is a significant cause of disruption in telecommunications, water supply, electric power, and other vital services, and is a leading cause of natural gas pipeline accidents.
Coordination, communication and cooperation between UNCW Facilities Management and entities who conduct digging and excavating activities on UNCW property is imperative to reduce the potential for personal injury.
Person(s) planning to dig on University property must submit a “UNCW Physical Plant Dig and Excavating Permit Request” form and an area sketch to the Physical Plant Director (or designee). (See Related Links above for form.) You may fill out the WORD form on-line and print for signature, or you may print a blank copy of the WORD form and fill out manually. Request must be received a minimum of 14 working days in advance of the proposed digging operations.
The Physical Plant will notify the person(s) submitting the request when the locate is complete and digging/excavation can commence.
As indicated on the “UNCW Physical Plant Dig and Excavating Permit Request” requestor is also responsible for contacting the local locating company to identify any underground utilities in the vicinity of the proposed dig/excavation that are owned by private contractors (TV, cable, etc)
Should damage occur to any underground utility lines as a result of the digging/excavation, please immediately contact the Physical Plant at (910) 962- 3101.