To provide guidelines to departments as an explanation of the logic used in the university's fund structure.
Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs
Updated July 1, 2006; Updated November 1, 1986; Effective April 1, 1978; supersedes former Administration Policy No. ACG1.10, “Explanation of University Account Code Structure”
Source of Authority:
Office of State Controller, Office of State Budget and Management, UNC-Chart of Accounts, General Accepted Accounting Principles, Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
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Policy Details:
To provide guidelines to departments as an explanation of the logic used in the university's fund structure.
The fund structure explained herein is used for all major university funds. The fund and account structure adheres to the uniform University of North Carolina Chart of Accounts. Fund structure is designed to accommodate the financial reporting requirements of various agencies, and is flexible enough to provide the data needed for university internal financial reporting.
A. Explanation of Fund Code Structure
The fund is comprised of 38 digits divided into the following parts:
Fund (6 digits)
Organization (5 digits)
Account (6 digits)
Program (3 digits)
Activity (6 digits) (Optional)
Location (6 digits) (Optional)
Index (6 digits) (Optional)
Fund - identifies the fund as a General Ledger or Subsidiary Ledger for the source of funds
Organization - identifies whose funds and the budget authority.
Account- identifies what type of balance sheet (assets and liabilities) account or operating ledger (expenditures or revenues) account
Designation as follows:
Assets: 4XXXXX
Liabilities 5XXXXX
Revenues 1XXXXX
Expenditures 9XXXXX
Program - identifies purpose (why) funds spent/receipted
Activity - identifies special events
Location - identifies physical location of a fixed asset