This policy articulates expectations for faculty workload plan development at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (“UNCW” or the “University). The policy establishes a “differentiated faculty workload” model that meets the needs of our students, faculty, academic units (AU), and other stakeholders.
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Adopted June 25, 2024
UNC System Policy 400.3.4, 400.3.4[R], UNCW Faculty Differentiated Workload Guidance Document (April 2024)
Office of the Provost
This policy articulates expectations for faculty workload plan development at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (“UNCW” or the “University). The policy establishes a “differentiated faculty workload” model that meets the needs of our students, faculty, academic units (AU), and other stakeholders.
This policy complies with UNC System Policy 400.3.4 and its implementing regulation 400.3.4[R], which requires each UNC System school to (1) create, publish, and monitor AU workload requirements; (2) use a consistent method for collecting data about academic workloads; and (3) implement an annual faculty performance evaluation policy that measures and rewards all aspects of faculty workload. The policy is also informed by the UNCW Faculty Differentiated Workload Guidance Document endorsed by the UNCW Faculty Senate on April 16, 2024.
All full-time faculty members, regardless of contract length, must have a workload plan. Faculty who are employed on less than a nine-month annual basis or are less than full-time may have a workload plan if directed by the Academic Unit Supervisor (AUS). Each faculty member’s workload plan should be developed in consultation with and approved by the AUS and by that AU’s dean or designee, as necessary. Workload plans should account for 100% workload expectations. Faculty who are in leave-earning positions may have an annual workload plan by request or by supervisor direction.
Faculty Workload
The overall workload of UNCW faculty typically includes teaching (broadly defined); research, scholarship, and creative activity; and service. Community engagement activities may be integrated into each of these areas.
Each college and AU shall establish equitable and fair workload policies for faculty that advance UNCW’s academic mission, recognize the variety of workload areas to which faculty contribute, and maintain compliance with UNC System Policy on Faculty Workload (400.3.4). These workload policies shall also follow the guidance found in the UNCW Faculty Differentiated Workload Guidance Document endorsed by the UNCW Faculty Senate.
Faculty Workload Expectations
UNCW embraces a differentiated workload policy to help create a transparent, equitable, efficient, and effective process for setting expectations for faculty workload. Consistent with the UNCW Faculty Differentiated Workload Guidance Document and the UNC System Office Policy 400.3.4 and 400.3.4[R], each college and AU shall establish clear policies that set faculty workload guidelines consistent with the missions of the university, college, and AU. These policies shall be approved by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Each college and AU policy shall implement a differentiated workload policy that: (1) establishes typical percentages of effort for teaching; research, scholarship, and creative activity; and service and other-directed professional activity for faculty; and (2) provides guidelines for when deviations from those typical percentages are necessary. Although this policy provides flexibility for the college policies, colleges should use the standard that a traditional three credit hour lecture course typically equates to 10% of a faculty member’s annual workload. This teaching effort along with other routinely expected faculty duties together will constitute a full workload and a 1.0 FTE appointment. In the absence of an AU policy, the college policy will take precedence until the AU policy is established and approved.
Roles and Responsibilities
University Level
The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall:
College Level Deans shall:
Department Level
Department Chairs/School Directors shall:
Creating, Approving, and Using Faculty Workload Plans
Each faculty member within the scope of this policy works with their AUS to develop a mutually agreed upon workload plan. For faculty with appointments in more than one AU, the AUS (or Dean as appropriate) of the unit where the faculty member has their primary appointment is responsible for planning the faculty member’s workload in consultation with the heads of the other appointing units.
The workload plan has many purposes, as outlined in the UNCW Faculty Differentiated Workload Guidance Document. Key aspects of the workload plan and its development process include:
Development of the faculty workload plan follows an annual process that also includes an annual performance evaluation that considers faculty accomplishments compared to the workload plan from the previous year. The steps involved in the development of a workload plan include
Deans are responsible for establishing the schedule for the above activities; however, workload plans typically should be finalized and approved by the dean no later than September 30 each year. Faculty hired after the beginning of the academic year will have 60 days after the start of their appointment to develop a workload plan and get approval from their respective AUS and Dean.
Monitoring and Reporting on Faculty Workloads
Data Collection
To comply with UNC System Policy 400.3.4, UNCW collects institutional data from official sources for reporting purposes related to faculty workload. These data are aggregated at the AU, college, and institutional level. The methodology used for reporting will be reviewed, updated, and documented to ensure accuracy no less frequently than every five years. This methodology will be captured in a corresponding regulation document to be established during the 2024/25 academic year.
Timeline for Review, Approval, and Distribution of Annual Report
Per UNC System Policy 400.3.4, UNCW must prepare an annual report of the previous year’s activity and submit it to the UNCW Board of Trustees for review and approval. That report must be approved by the Board of Trustees by September 30 each year, and UNCW must provide a copy of the approved report to the UNC System President by October 15 each year. Given these timelines, UNCW’s Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) shall produce the report for review by AU supervisors, deans, and the provost by September 1 each year.
All faculty must be included in the annual report, regardless of whether they submit an annual workload plan. The annual report must include, at minimum, the following quantitative data elements for monitoring faculty workloads, disaggregated to the AU, college, and institutional levels:
Other qualitative and/or contextual information about faculty efforts as determined by the institution may also be submitted in the annual report.
The annual report also must include information describing the University's process for:
Per UNC System Policy 400.3.4, UNCW and UNC System Regulation 400.3.4[R], the institution will provide regular training of all personnel involved in the development and review of faculty annual workplans.
Periodic Review
UNCW shall review this institutional policy at least every five years and submit a copy of that review and any changes made to the UNC System President.