With more than 28 years of conducting undersea research, UNCW's Undersea Vehicles Program (UVP) team possesses the knowledge and skills required to perform extensive end-to-end mission coordination and logistics, professional vehicle operations and quality data collection.
We are uniquely qualified to provide access to and expertise associated with specialized ocean exploration, research, training and technology development.
Let us know how we can support your undersea research. Contact us for more information on day rates, scheduling, vehicle specification, system requirements and operating procedures.
ROV Pilot/Technician
Office 910.962.2317
Cell (252) 717-3099
Fax 910.962.2410
ROV Pilot/Technician
Office 910.962.2443
Cell (510) 457-8721
Fax 910.962.2410
ROV Pilot/Technician
Office 910.962.2443
Cell (703) 625-2027
Fax 910.962.2410
Undersea Vehicles Program
Center for Marine Science/UNCW
5600 Marvin Moss Lane
Wilmington, NC 28409