This is the UNCW Registrar's office reference guide to the meaning of instructional codes.
- Blank: In-person. Face-to-face instruction, real time and real people with the instructor in the same room as the students.
- WG50: Classes blend face-to-face instruction and more than 50% online activities with an assigned location and time.
- WL50: Classes blend face-to-face instruction and less than 50% online activities with an assigned location and time.
- OLASY: Fully online (asynchronous). Web-based asynchronous means the instructional materials are available on the internet without time-dependent slots.
- OLSYN: Fully online (synchronous). Web-based instruction in time-dependent slots.
- REMOT: Non-web based at remote site. TV, video, CD, DVD or other non-web instructional materials are distributed at a remote location.