Unsure how or where to register? Need more information about classes you've registered for? Get all the answers you need here.
NEW: The new Registration Portal goes into effect for Spring 2024 courses. (replaces SeaNet)
Learn about the waitlist process if a class is full.
Enrolling in more than 11 credit hours in a semester will require a registration override from the MFA coordinator.
Email Megan and request to be put on her (paper) waitlist. In-genre and 3rd-years will often receive priority, but Megan will send out an email with details when the visiting writer is announced.
Thesis-hours registration (—handled by Graduate School survey-form—) is open during regular enrollment periods; see the Registrar calendar for open/close dates. Complete thesis registration information is found in the FAQs for Current MFA Students, midway down the page.
You will enroll in GRC 600 (—via Graduate School survey-form—) during regular enrollment periods; see the Registrar calendar for open/close dates. Complete GRC 600 registration information is found in the FAQs for Current MFA Students, at bottom.
See the Registrar calendar for Withdrawal deadlines (April/November for graduate students), and be sure to carefully review the Registrar's information about Withdrawal and the necessary process.
See MFA Forms for:
See MFA Handbook section: Taking Courses in the MFA Program