Find a list of faculty and student publications and presentations in the subjects of sociology and criminology.
*graduate student; **undergraduate student
Jill Waity (with Mitchell A. Farrell and Von R. Eaton) “A case study accessing the feasibility of a local food label among producers and consumers,” in Sociation.
Waity, Julia Ferrara, Jennifer Vanderminden, and Kristin Robeson*. 2020. ““The Fact That the Author Was Male Instead of Female Provided for an Objective Opinion”: Implicit Bias in the Classroom. International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 1(3): 44-60
Vick, K.*, K. J. Cook, and M. L. Rogers* (2020) Lethal Leverage: False confessions, false pleas, and wrongful homicide convictions in death-eligible cases. Contemporary Justice Review
Vanderminden, Jennifer, Julia F. Waity, and Caroline Robinson**. 2019. "The “Eyes” Are Watching You: Social Control in an Introduction to Sociology Classroom." Humanity & Society 0(0):0160597619876300.
Finkelhor, David, Heather Turner, Brittany Kaye Wormuth*, Jennifer Vanderminden and Sherry Hamby**. 2019. "Corporal Punishment: Current Rates from a National Survey." Journal of Child and Family Studies 28(7):1991-97.
Maume, Michael O., Christina L. Lanier, Leslie H. Hossfeld, and Kyle Wehmann*. 2014. “Social Isolation and Weapon Use in Intimate Partner Violence Incidents in Rural Areas.” International Journal of Rural Criminology 2(2):244-267.
Brauer, Jonathan R., Day, Jacob C., and Hammond, Brittany M*. 2019. “Do Employers ‘Walk the Talk’ After All? An Illustration of Methods for Assessing Signals in Underpowered Designs.” Sociological Methods & Research. OnlineFirst:
DeVall, Kristen, Christina Lanier, David J. Hartmann, Sarah H. Williamson*, and LaQuana L. Askew*. 2017. "Intensive Supervision Programs and Recidivism: How Michigan Successfully Targets High-Risk Offenders" The Prison Journal, 97, 585-608.
Waity, Julia, Samantha Moser*, and Cara Stretch. 2020. “How southeastern North Carolina is building more resilient food systems after COVID-19”. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 1-4.