Mindfulness has been shown to improve one's cognitive development, self-management, emotional intelligence, happiness and empathy.
UNCW's Mindfulness and Yoga Living Learning Community (LLC) is a great way to meet University Studies requirements while learning how the mind-body connection facilitates peace and happiness both on and off the yoga mat.
Important questions arise when we begin learning about mindfulness such as:
This learning community will discuss such questions through a combination of wellness and physical activity. You will engage in mindfulness practices and learn to be in the present moment with curiosity and care.
In This Learning Community You Will:
PAR 232 Asian Religions
WPA 101 & WPAL 101 Wellness & Physical Activity- Yoga
UNI 101 First Year Seminar
Students will need to choose one of the following courses to take to remain in the LLC.
CHHS 210 Happiness & Well-being
COM 220 Interpersonal Communication
HEA 105 Individual Well-being
PAR 221 Mindfulness & Racial Justice
PSY 105 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 215 Modern Social Problems
Take the first step to join a Living Learning Community & complete our interest form!