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Emergency & Safety

College & Department News

Emergency Notifications

Students, faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in campus emergency notifications through their information in the UNCW SeaNet System. This also authorizes students, faculty, and staff to use the UNCW Alert App through single-sign-on. Please ensure your information is current. 

Parents may receive emergency notifications by downloading UNCW Mobile - the general UNCW Campus Information app. Parents will not be able to download and use the UNCW Alert app. 

Know Who to Call

Seasonal Safety

Atlantic hurricane season is June 1-Nov. 30. the UNCW Department of Environmental Health and Safety and campus partners stress the importance of emergency procedures, campus communications awareness and the importance of personal preparedness plans. 

Hurricane Preparedness

At UNCW, we love our proximity to the ocean and all the fun and relaxation it offers! However, the ocean can also be dangerous and you should be aware of rip current hazards.

Be Alert for Rip Currents

Although the Wilmington area enjoys generally mild winters, it is not unusual to have winter storms that affect travel and the operation of campus. UNCW monitors the weather and will use the UNCW Alert System and other communication channels to update students, faculty, staff and the community if a change in campus operations, activities or class schedules will be necessary.

See More Information on Winter Weather

Learn how to avoid heat-related illness that can be brought on by the extremely hot weather that the Wilmington area experiences during the summer months.

Learn Tips to PRepare for Severe WEather

EH&S wants to know about safety and environmental concerns on campus. Please contact us via the link below – you have the option to remain anonymous – or call 910.962.3057.